March 2018 archive

Similar Tools: Media Player Synchronisation

One interesting tool we found in our research was Syncplay. Similarly to, it uses Rooms to bring a group of users together. However, instead of streaming the video online, it is an add-on application that works together with your media player of choice by synchronising the play/pause and seeking actions. All users must set …

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Similar Tools: Social Streaming Websites

There are several websites available which allow you to stream videos from YouTube or subscription-based online video services, such Netflix or Crunchyroll. One such website is is split into chat rooms. One user acting as the host is in control of what is being streamed.Rooms can be made to be public, locked, or …

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Legal Aspect

The key idea of WatchTogether is a social platform which enables users to watch videos together with families and friends in different locations by synchronized-playing the video files and to interact with each other by making comments, discussions, etc. The primary requirement for this collaborative-watching is to have the same video source with the exact …

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Economic Context

WatchTogether is an application that can be used to watch a movie, TV show, or some other kind of video in different places free of charge. Our product is an alternative way for users which is easy to use. According to the Guardian, UK economic growth is expected to slow in first few months of …

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Welcome to our blog!

Hey there! We are Group 5 of the COMP6217 The Science of Online Social Networks module. This blog will be used by us to post our progress in the research and development of WatchTogether, our idea for a new social networking tool. The group members are: Dulieu-Rayner Alexandra <adr1e17> Utama Setiawan <su2n17> Enache Emil-Aurelian <reae1g13> …

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Introducing WatchTogether

WatchTogether provides a way for people who are far apart from each other to watch TV or films together. It is a tool that synchronises a video file over the internet, enabling users to enjoy the company of their friends in an “online cinema” type of setting. We think it will help those who enjoy …

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