The University of Southampton

CBT – Retraining the Brain

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a well known form talking therapy, utilised for the management of a range of problems, by changing the way you think and behave.

Video Explaining CBT

There are a number of disorders that can benefit hugely from CBT, including OCD, phobias, eating disorders, panic disorders and depression. As somebody who has undertaken and subsequently completed their CBT journey, I will forever be an unwavering advocate for this form of therapy. Not only do you benefit from having a safe space to talk to a trained professional without fear of judgement, you learn new habits and methods that allow you to overcome your problem for the long-term. Completing CBT will leave you with a retrained brain, one that uses healthy habits and coping skills, instead of reverting to the dangerous behaviours that may have previously derailed your life.