The University of Southampton

3D Motion Analysis in Sports

Three-dimensional motion analysis is often used in therapy to observe a pattern of movement in an individual. For example, patients in rehabilitation after a prosthetic leg replacement can be observed to check for any rigidity in movement. Since it’s an upgrade from 2-dimensional motion analysis, which introduced parallax and perspective errors, it’s allowed us to measure the angles in more than one plane in a 3D space. Our lecturer spoke about how this method was used to help her teach piano to her students, and this inspired me to look at the potential uses of this in sports.

How does it work?

The process works by placing a series of cameras around the person and creating a capture volume. The cameras are then calibrated with respect to each other and the room. Markers are placed on the area of interest as well as surrounding it, specifically on any bony areas. these markers can then be followed in each frame of the video as the person moves. The advantage of having multiple cameras is that it allows precise recording of any markers that would otherwise be hidden from a camera. As long as at least 2 cameras could clearly record the marker, we can work out the point and angle of flexion of muscles.

The image shows how the technology accurately records the movements of a person’s joints as they jump.

Uses in sports

Motion analysis can also be used for analyzing movement in sports. it’s currently used a lot in sports such as football, which I am very keen on. I have been playing football for a year in university and I think it’s amazing that people can benefit from technology such as this, in order to improve their gameplay. This is often used to train Olympic athletes and help them discover their weaknesses. It is done by creating a skeletal structure of the athlete to match their body shape and size. Trainees are often asked to wear a mocap suit which mimics the athletes’ movements and shows the movement of all the joints. This technology can capture details of movement within milliseconds, allowing coaches to precisely pinpoint the errors.

The video above shows how 3D motion capture is used to help coaches better explain how to improve.

Another benefit of using this technology is that it can be used in matches in real time to help referees locate the exact movement of the players and call out a fair judgment. I think this is really useful in the field of sports especially since the idea of ‘false judgment’ can start a lot of fights amongst the audience, and with technology to clearly showcase the evidence, it makes the game smoother.

In addition, it can also be used to simulate football players’ movements in video games such as FIFA 22. I really like this game because I feel like it truly showcases the strategies used in gameplay and has refined movements for each character, which adds a sense of realism.

Overall, I really like how improvements in technology transitioning from 2D to 3D motion capture have helped with a wide range of activities, including football, which I’m very passionate about. I hope that technology like this will help the players improve and eventually be introduced into smaller football training camps, to help young aspiring players improve.


For more information, check out this website:

The role of AI in the future of prostheses

With surgeries becoming more accessible and the solution to treating certain diseases that could potentially be fatal, the emergence of prosthetic limbs has definitely been an important medical advancement. One of the earliest prostheses used was a wooden toe discovered on an Egyptian mummy. Throughout the years, implantable prostheses such as hip and knee replacements have helped many patients return to their normal lives. Study of tissues and discovery of stem cells by Drs. James Till & Ernest McCulloch has allowed scientists to generate whole organs and tissues through tissue engineering, allowing them to perfectly match the organs to the patients, thereby reducing the risk of any complications.

Photo of the first prosthetic used to replace a toe on an Egyptian mummy, over 3000 years ago.

The problem with prostheses

However, despite this, implantable prostheses have their disadvantages. For example, they have a very little active role since they mainly act as a form of structural support. Certain actions such as moving individual fingers in a hand replacement are proven to be difficult since this relies on the work of muscles. Artificial joints are often made out of synthetic materials and these get rejected by the body, causing further illnesses. Moreover, they have a relatively short lifespan of around 5 years, meaning they will need to be constantly replaced: this could cause financial problems for some families. Recently, a new process called Targeted Muscle Reinnovation has been brought up which allows scientists to connect individual nerves to the remaining muscles, and therefore make it easier to perform complicated movements. However, the process of creating and testing this is manually tiring for the user.

So how has Artificial Intelligence helped us?

In 2017, a group of researchers created a computer-controlled prosthetic arm that could perform elaborate movements and carry out complex activities. The process doesn’t require the user’s efforts, thereby making it easier for them. Previously used prosthetics were controlled through EMG sensors placed on the skin. This new method makes it easier for testing out the models. Furthermore, these AI-controlled prostheses respond to nerve signaling patterns, allowing them to produce multiple movements simultaneously. A new technique has also evolved called regenerative peripheral nerve interface (RPNI) relies on wrapping a small piece of muscle around an amputated nerve to produce signals which can then be amplified.

Video showing how the AI-powered prosthetic arm works

AI is slowly being used to introduce intelligence to these artificial prostheses and this will hopefully make them more accessible to people in the future. All current models are just prototypes and are yet to be made available for use.

For more information, check out these links:

This scientific article was written by Marijan Hassan on 23/01/2023


The article was written on 1/09/2020 by the medical futurist


lol hi

dont rlly know what to write…anyways I’m so tired right now. Karaoke was fun last night WOOOOO!

why did i pick this module? probs coz its 40% exam lol (sike it actually sounds cool)

my hobbies are gaming, art, dance (street dance) and volleyball. basically any sport sounds fun i guess. LOVE mgmt and their music…low-key getting into nirvana at the moment.

insta: @ma1u.jpeg

my guy got a fresh trim.
