The University of Southampton

Should Euthanasia be legal in the UK?

Trigger Warning – this blog discusses terminal illness and suicide.

If anyone is affected by the topics in this blog, please ring the Samaritans helpline on 116 123.

In the lecture about bioethics and law, one of the areas we focused on was the Nazi’s during WWII and their mass murder or ‘euthanasia’ of people who they deemed ‘unsuitable’.

That made me think about euthanasia and the laws surrounding it. It is legal in Switzerland, and some other European countries and UK citizens often fly there to be euthanised.

My personal opinion is that euthanasia should be legalised in this country with strict legal restrictions and multiple approvals from medical professionals needed.

One of the reasons for my view is because my sister is a nurse who works in ICU in London. She has patients who are on life support machines and have no quality of life yet are kept alive. Some of these were born with such severe conditions, that they have never left the hospital, been able to talk or move, and are also blind and deaf. Is it not crueller to keep them alive, knowing there is no hope for recovery or improvement than to let their parents/medical professionals put them to rest?

In addition, last year my family had to put down our 13-year-old golden retriever. She had cancer and went through surgery and chemotherapy. Unfortunately, the tumour continued to grow, so we stopped treatment and until she became uncomfortable and unhappy. As hard as the decision was to put her down, it was in our home and was the most peaceful and graceful way to die that I could possibly imagine.

Why do we treat our animals with such love and allow them to be euthanised, as the ‘kindest thing’, yet we don’t treat humans with that same compassion? Especially if the human is able to consent?

In 2002, Diane Pretty was diagnosed with motor neurone disease – a chronic and terminal diagnosis. She did not want herself nor her family to suffer through the final stages of the disease. She wanted to end her life peacefully at home. Unfortunately, she was not granted this wish. She went to court to appeal to change the law; however, they did not grant her the right to die. Because of her condition, she had 24-hour care and was unable to commit suicide alone. She wished her husband could assist her with this, however this is illegal in the UK.

Video about the Diane Pretty case
Sharon Johnston and Sue Lawford

How can it be that someone who is able to commit suicide alone is not breaking the law, but someone who needs assistance is unable to? Surely this is discriminatory against those who are disabled.

Last year, Sharon Johnston, who was paralysed but mentally competent, decided that she no longer wanted to live. She therefore chose to be euthanised at Dignitas in Switzerland. Unable to travel alone, a retired NHS worker, Sue Lawford, took her to carry out Sharon’s wishes. Sharon was euthanised but, when Sue got back to the UK she was arrested and questioned on suspicion of attempted murder. She was investigated for six months before being cleared of charges.

It is an incredibly difficult and sensitive topic, and inevitably there will never be a unanimous opinion regarding it. There will undoubtedly be a grey area between assisted suicide, euthanasia, and manslaughter. This potentially puts doctors in a difficult position legally, especially if the patient is unable to consent for themselves. I’m unsure what precise restrictions and requirements should be put in place, but I firmly believe that people who have terminal illnesses or are suffering from incurable conditions should be able to have the choice to end their pain and suffering.  

News article about Sue and Sharon:

My death my decision, a movement that Sue Lawford is a member of:

Your eyes are now obsolete

After doing some research into interfacing electronic signals with the body, I stumbled upon bionic eyes. One device was the ARGUS II, implanted into five patients in England as part of a clinical trial. This article included praise from current ARGUS users Including a man who can now see his grandchildren running around. The articles surrounding the device was overwhelmingly positive until they got more recent then the narrative around ARGUS changed. 

The device is comprised of three modules. An electrode array, video processing unit and a camera. The brain interprets the signals as flashes and the vision created is more akin to an entirely new sense. In this video Ray describes the vision produced as arcs.

The arcs represent the most important parts of the picture. This should be moving objects and edges; the device must accurately pick out the pixels which will convey the most relevant information to the patient. The Video processing unit (VPU) is what does this. It utilizes edge detection algorithms like the matrix mechanics of convolution which I am familiar with from both computer science and quantum mechanics. 

An example of edge detection

The electrical components in the device have several purposes: data and power transfer and biological interfacing. The former is achieved by using magnetic induction. For data transfer the VPU unit encodes signals into radio waves. Which are then converted to tiny alternating currents by a receiver in the implanted region. The data can then be extracted from these currents. Power is transferred by the same physical principle tweaked for this purpose. The final challenge is at the biological interface. The ARGUS II uses micro-electrodes. These define the vision achievable by the device. Advancements in nano-tubes could really improve the quality of the vision created due to physical constraints of wider electrodes.

Despite the quality-of-life improvements seen from most recipients and the prospect of new iterations of devices the device manufacturer Second Sight collapsed and merged with Nano Precision Medical ceasing to develop its ARGUS implant line switching to other projects. The devices had never become profitable. All engineers were laid off and, unlike previously promised, support for the ARGUS models was stopped. Second Sight also failed to inform patients of the collapse. Now users are left to hope their device continues working as normal since replacement parts need to be sourced from the community and many relied upon devices have been rendered not functional by previously routinely fixed hardware issues.

In the EU manufacturers must provide spare parts for a washing machine for 10 years after the appliance has been discontinued. This law was introduced to help limit the environmental impact of E waste and protect consumers. The standard used for washing machines should be the absolute minimum used for implanted medical devices. I believe strongly in the right to repair and choose to repair my own technology, therefore qualified engineers should have access to the parts for device repair long after they have stopped being implanted. 

This is a prime example of our increasing vulnerability in the face of high-tech, smart and connected devices which are proliferating in the healthcare and biomedical sectors.

Elizabeth M Renieris, professor of technology ethics at the University of Notre Dame told the BBC

Many have been left with defunct devices still implanted in their body. I believe the stress and anxiety caused for these people is unforgivable and the law needs to catch up, money and company reputation must stop being placed above patients and transparency.

Commercial Autogenic Cell Therapy Evolution at a Glance.

The lectures I recently received about tissue engineering piqued my interest, specifically with the commercial availability of autogenic cells such as CarticelTM and as I looked further the development of such products was very interesting.

The 4 generations of autogenic chondrocyte implantation (ACI):

First Generation:

A 1st generation ACI procedure is shown in the video below where you can see the harvesting of periosteal tissue from the tibia, suturing of the periosteum into the knee joint, securing with fibrin glue and finally the injection of chondrocytes below this periosteal patch. Genzyme is a company which delivers this service and has reported success rates of 70-90%. Problems with this procedure include overgrowth of the implanted cells which can degrade joint function and cause pain; however this can be easily fixed by the shaving away of excess cartilage. Procedures of this type cost around $40,000, far too expensive for many people, especially in countries without nationalised healthcare such as America where insurance may not cover the procedure.

Second Generation:

Carticel is an example of 2nd generation ACI. A biopsy of cartilage is taken from lesser weight bearing areas so that chondrocyte cells can be isolated and expanded over a period of 4-6 weeks. The expanded cells are reinserted into the damaged joint to form new, healthy cartilage. On their website, Carticel states that their product is intended for the repair of “symptomatic cartilage defects of the femoral condyle caused by acute or repetitive trauma, in patients who have had an inadequate response to a prior arthroscopic or other surgical procedure”. According to the Bioinformant, Carticel autologous chondrocyte implantation costs between $15,000 and $35,000. This cost raises ethical questions because a large subset of people who would benefit from this procedure cannot afford it.

Third Generation:

Spherox is a company which offers 3rd generation ACI with a £10,000 price tag, however the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital (ROH) in Birmingham has provided this procedure and it is now eligible for patients on the NHS according to the ROH website. Spherox works in a different way to Carticel, by taking chondrocytes and producing spheroids of neocartilage composed of expanded autologous chondrocytes and their associated matrix. A sample of healthy tissue is taken from the patient in keyhole surgery and the sample is grown into chondrocyte spheroids. When the spheroids are implanted into the patient’s knee cartilage, they bind to the defective tissue and produce new cartilage tissue. For NHS patients in the UK, Spherox has far fewer ethical concerns regarding cost because the price of the operation is less than the cost caused by such injuries if left untreated to both the NHS and the patient’s quality of life.

The Future:

4th generation ACI therapy has not yet entered mainstream medicine, however various trials are underway. Some research is investigating the role of gene therapy in cartilage repair producing “temporarily and spatially defined delivery of therapeutic molecules to sites of cartilage damage”. According to this paper, the use of elastin as a scaffold is being investigated, as well as the use of a nonviral gene delivery system to allow mesenchymal stem cells to produce osteogenic growth factors.

Empowering Amputees with 3D Printed Prosthetic Limbs: The Future of Accessibility

After attending a lecture by Dr Dickinson and Professor Browne on prosthetic limbs, I found myself intrigued by the manufacturing process behind them. After doing some of my own research, I stumbled upon the recent revolution in 3D printing. In more developed countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, prosthetics are readily accessible and are usually fitted around 2-6 months after surgery. However, this is far from the case in lower-income countries like Cambodia. It is estimated around 100 million people worldwide require a prosthetic limb; 80 percent of whom do not even have access to this resource. Recent advances in 3D printing technology have made it much easier to construct prosthetic limbs, making it quicker and more affordable as well as being far more tailored to the individual.

A photo showing a donated prosthetic from Guillermo Martínez to a Kenyan child, synthesised from 3D printing

The benefits of 3D printing

There are several benefits to using 3D printing technology for prosthetic limbs, including:

  1. Customisability: Traditional prosthetics can be difficult and time-consuming to customise, often requiring manual adjustments and moulds. With 3D printing, prosthetic limbs can be designed and printed based on precise measurements of the amputee’s residual limb, resulting in a better fit and greater comfort.
  2. Affordability: Traditional prosthetic limbs can be expensive, with some models costing tens of thousands of dollars. 3D printing technology offers a more affordable alternative, making prosthetics accessible to a wider range of people.
  3. Rapid production: Traditional prosthetics can take several weeks or even months to produce. With 3D printing, prosthetic limbs can be designed and printed in a matter of hours or days, allowing for faster delivery to those in need.
  4. Reduced waste: Traditional prosthetic limbs often require a significant amount of material waste, as moulds must be created and adjusted multiple times. 3D printing eliminates the need for moulds and produces little to no waste, making it a far more environmentally-friendly option.
  5. Innovation: 3D printing technology is constantly evolving, with new materials and designs being developed all the time. This means that prosthetic limbs can continue to improve and become more functional over time, offering even greater benefits to amputees.

Overall, the capability of 3D printing to produce highly tailored prosthetic limbs is one of its main benefits. Contrary to conventional manufacturing methods that call for moulds and human adjustments, 3D printing enables swift and simple production of accurate dimensions and customised designs. As a result, amputees can get prosthetic limbs that match their unique requirements and preferences, enhancing their quality of life entirely.

The drawbacks

While 3D printing technology has many benefits for the production of prosthetic limbs, there are also some potential drawbacks or challenges to consider:

  1. Limited strength and durability: Some 3D printed materials may not be as strong or durable as traditional materials used in prosthetic limbs, which could result in a shorter lifespan or increased risk of breakage.
  2. Quality control: There is currently limited regulation and oversight of 3D printed prosthetic limbs, which could result in lower quality or safety standards compared to traditional prosthetics.
  3. Limited accessibility: While 3D printing technology has the potential to make prosthetic limbs more affordable and accessible, there are still limitations to its widespread availability, particularly in lower-income or developing regions.
  4. Limited design options: While 3D printing technology allows for greater customisability, there may be limitations in terms of available designs or features compared to traditional prosthetic limbs.
  5. Training requirements: As 3D printing technology is still relatively new, there may be a lack of specialised training or expertise in the field of 3D printed prosthetic limbs, which could result in lower quality or inconsistent results.

It is important to consider that many of these challenges are currently being addressed by researchers and developers working in the field of 3D printed prosthetic limbs. As the technology continues to improve, it is likely that many of these issues will be resolved over time.

“The ability to create customised prosthetic limbs through 3D printing technology has revolutionised the field of prosthetics, offering greater accessibility and affordability to those in need.”

Dr. Albert Chi, Medical Director of 3D Printing at Shriners Hospitals for Children

Animal Organ Donors – Is it Worth it?

After attending lectures on stem cells and tissue engineering, I found myself to be very intrigued by chimeras and the diversity capabilities of specific cells. Specifically, the possibility that we could potentially grow human organs in another species, with the intention of organ donation, was something that seemed so unbelievable to me. This provoked me to research further into how close to achieving this we may be, as there is also bound to be ethical issues surrounding this worth discussion. Currently, the NHS weekly statistics reports that 6963 people are currently waiting for organ transplants in the UK. The NHS also reports that 30 in 100 patients experience organ rejection following the implementation of a donated organ. Therefore, I believe it to be an important issue worth researching to find more solutions for.

Pablo Ross (Thursday September 28 2017) working on creating organs from human stem cells that can be grown in pigs and other livestock. Photo Brian Baer

What research is currently being done?

Investigation of this subject lead me to find the research done by Dr. Pablo Ross who has used his extensive veterinary experience, combined with his in-depth knowledge of stem cells to conduct experiments on creating a human-pig chimera. So far, the research and its limited funding, has lead as far as creating chimeras which contain approximately every 1 in 100,000 cells of the pigs being human because pigs and humans are such distant relatives. With this being the extent of current research, it is fair to say we are not yet at a point where human-pig chimeras are able to provide functional help in the medical world. The end goal is that one day we may grow an organ that is fully human or at least made up of enough human cells that it may overcome the prevalent issue of organ rejection.

How ethical is it?

The immediate issue that should be addressed is that testing on animals can not always be seen as entirely ethical as they cannot provide their own informed consent for such procedures and research to take place. It is because of this that humans must make the decision to evaluate if the potential harm to the animals outweighs the benefits of the research or not. The benefits of this line of research, if successful, could potentially lead to a huge reduction in organ rejection, as well as a largely reduced waiting time for all those suffering with organ failure. However, the concept of breeding animals for the purpose of organ donation to humans, which is potentially a very invasive procedure, raises many ethical concerns. My thoughts are that if the research is to be done at all, it may be, in some sense, more fair to use animals who are already being bred with the purpose of being used for their meat as then more of the animal can be used, instead of disregarded.

Simple, yes or no?

So, when I picked this module way back in the summer of 2022, I had no idea that I would become engrossed in a world of engineering. I took biochemistry due to my complete lack of ability in physics, particularly mechanics. However, I soon realised this module ‘Engineering Replacement Body Parts’ dove into far more than the simplistic ignorant view inferred from the course name.

With the main areas of teaching being STEM cells, Prosthesis, Bionics, TISSENG and Ethics and Law I realised I would be receiving an answer to a question I did not know I had.

‘How does the potential of stem cells, engineered tissues and implanted devices in medicine impact the medical field as well as law and ethics in our society?’.

As a Biochemist the area that captured my interest the most was Ethics and Law and the rules and regulations around experimentation. Especially with the current rules changing on gender reassignment surgery for children which has sparked a lot of controversy on whether children can provide consent.

Within my course we have only briefly touched on ethical precautions when conducting experiments, which seems surprising judging how much they govern scientific research. One study that was only touched upon in a Neuroscience seminar I attended was the enforcement of electric shock therapy in the 1960s by Dr. Lauretta Bender. This was a known treatment for psychiatric disorders however she inflicted more than 100 children to shock therapy with the youngest being three years old! Maybe it was because my younger brother had just turned three or the fact that I couldn’t believe that it was not just adults subjected to this treatment. I suddenly thought about a child’s right to autonomy and further what makes someone fit or unfit to give consent. 

Electric shock therapy on a teenage girl in the 1960s by Dr. Lauretta Bender.

It is easy to forget the significance of scientific regulations and ethical boards, as well as how some members of the scientific community only 50 years ago engaged in actions that would now be regarded as atrocities and unbelievable, as shows like Stranger Things and films like Suckerpunch almost trivialise and make medical scandals feel dystopian and alien to us.

The Government currently have legislation on getting informed consent for user research which is shown below directly from the government website:

If this had previously been in place many children would have been saved from the torment and emotional damage they ensued. There are three main views that can be taken when weighing up harm, benefit and autonomy. 

  • Libertarian
  • Paternalistic
  • Utilitarian

All of them would agree that low-risk research where participants are fully informed is an allowable argument. However, both a utilitarian and paternalistic argument would suggest that low risk research where participants do not know they are taking risks is justifiable. This is something I particularly struggled to understand. 

Consent always seemed so black and white, simple yes and no, but when it comes to informed consent, how can a child be fully informed when they aren’t even fully formed?

Biofilms Vs Implants

A lecture by Dr. Alex Dickinson on prosthetic implants highlighted how patient satisfaction rates are a rationale for continued research into implants. I remember learning in Year 2 about how biofilms were one of the major difficulties faced when it came to implants and wanted to look more into what is being done to combat this.  

According to the National Joint Registry in 2013, 34% of knee and hip implants had to be replaced due to infection. Infections of implants result in the patient experiencing similar symptoms to before they had the implant, such as swelling in the area, pain and stiffness.  I can see how frustrating this is for the patients as it must feel like you have gone back to square one. Furthermore, replacing an implant is quite costly and takes up time that could have been used for new patients who require the implant in the first place, not to mention the invasiveness of the treatment.

How does the infection occur ?

In able to understand how treatments are manufactured, I needed to understand how the infection occur in the first place. From my own knowledge, I know that bacteria and other microorganisms enjoy smooth surfaces where they attached on to and  form biofilms. Here they form communities where they ‘live’ which has a constant and stable supply of nutrients to support their survival.

Biofilm Formation

What I did not know is that there are two ways that this infection can occur on the implant. The first being during the surgical procedure – where the bacteria can come from the individuals flora or the operating environment. The second is the microorganisms can be carried by the blood and form a biofilm- this one occurs after the surgery has occurred. In both ways the biofilm maturation occurs over time and it takes some years before it becomes harmful.

By the time the infection is discovered the biofilm has developed so much it becomes difficult for the clinicians to identify what microorganisms that are included in this making it harder to treat them as it is time consuming and requires heavy reach.

What about antibiotics and our immune system ?

Well… multiple studies have shown that biofilms show hight antibiotic resistance due to their formation. When in the biofilm, the bacteria switches off certain genes which could be targeted by these antibiotic rendering them ineffective. Remarkably, one study showed that some bacteria in the biofilm were able express certain phenotypes which would result in the removal of the antibiotics! Due to the lack of blood supply within the implant the immune system is limited.

Current Treatments

So far the most common treatments is DAIR- debridement, antibiotics and implant retention. This procedure involves reopening the implant, washing it out with fluid, removing damage tissue followed by a course of antibiotics , which can vary in duration. The success rates of this treatment vary  due to the heterogeneity of the patients, length of infection and  type of infection. Typically study’s show that DAIR has a higher success rate with acute infection and when the infection has progressed there is an increased chance of the patients reinfection and them requiring are placement  implant. Although there are some success with this treatment , it is still invasive and costly and relies on early detection – which we have seen before is quite difficult.

Future Prospects

I decided to look into research about future therapies or ways to improve the DAIR. I learnt that in order for clinicians to improve the success of DAIR, they are looking into trying to detect the high levels of antibody within the patients so they could be able to intervene at an earlier point. But the invasiveness and time consuming aspects still remain

Antimicrobial peptides have been showing promising results in therapeutics. They already exist in our innate immune system. Their cationic charge allows them kill a range of different microorganisms but not attack the mammalian cells. In addition to this there are other antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones and rifampin penetrate biofilms. This type of treatment ideal but so far researchers have been unable to find a mechanisms for these in vivo.

Copper Vs Bacteria

So if the treatments are lacking, what can be done to prevent this from occurring in the first place? This is where I came across an fascinating paper about looking potential biomaterials which prevent biofilms from forming. The paper looking at what can be done to the biomaterials of the implants to  interfere with the biofilm formation. They conducted a lot of experiments on the metal roughness and tried coating different materials onto the implant. Most notably, the rougher the metal and coating the implants with ions made it harder for the biofilm to form. With this information I began to think that perhaps copper , an ion producing mental could be used to make the implants. Well after reading up on this making copper implants would be impractical but researchers are looking into coating the implants with copper – due to its antimicrobial properties

I was particularly interested in coating the implants with an acylase activity which is turn disrupts quorum -sensing. From studying my course quorum sensing is the way bacterial communicates with each other – so being able to stop that would be detrimental in winning the war against biofilms.

Quorum Sensing

Concluding thoughts

Coming into this, I honestly thought that there was not much hope for resolving biofilm infection of implants. This is mainly because there is not really a reliable , non-invasive treatment for this. However in this case I believe the best way beat biofilm is prevention. The biomaterials look highly promising- although a lot of research has to be done to assure that it doesn’t affect human cells. this is definitely an area that I will keep up to date on as there could be huge developments soon.

Providing better options for prosthetic hand users

A prosthetic hand acts as a substitute limb for those that may be missing one from birth or lost one later in life. There are several types of prosthetic hands, all functioning in their own way and prioritising different aspects for the user. Electrically-powered prosthetic hands offer a range of functions, however are costly. Alternatively, cosmetic prostheses are more affordable but do not provide active function. Because of this, many users ultimately settle with a prosthetic that does not perform to their expectations.

Recently, I watched a documentary that looked into resolving this issue. It showed Masahiro Yoshikawa, a professor from the Faculty of Robotics and Design at the Osaka Institute of Technology, focusing on creating highly functional protheses, while keeping costs low. This is an aspect of prosthetic research that I view as important, as it is essential that prosthetic users are not denied choice because of affordability. Prior to his research, a myoelectric prosthetic was the superior option. This consists of a prosthetic with sensors that detect electrical signals created by muscle movement from the residual limb, triggering a motor. The motor then converts the signal into finger movements, allowing the user to grasp objects. However, this technology is expensive and the prosthetic is heavy, which is not ideal for most individuals.

Offering a low-cost, lightweight, and highly functional prosthetic

Yoshikawa reviewed the manufacturing process for myoelectric prostheses, and figured out that one reason they are so expensive to make is due to the plaster moulds that have to be created prior to making the socket. He concluded that using a 3D printer to create the socket would eliminate the need to produce a mould beforehand, both decreasing manufacturing time and manufacturing cost.

At the core of Yoshikawa’s research is the desire to create prosthetic hands that people want to wear, rather than something people wear because they have no other choice.”

NHK World – Japan: Helping Prosthetic Hand Users Become Choosers

Another improvement Yoshikawa set to develop was the issue of the myoelectric prosthetics malfunctioning after prolonged use. This was because, when users perspirate inside the device, it resulted in a short circuit between electrodes and disrupted the detection of the myoelectric signals. He proposed that, by measuring the height of the muscle as a change in distance, this signal instead could be used to generate motion. More specifically, through using a photoelectric sensor inside the socket, the muscle bulge created by movement of the residual limb will produce a change in distance from the sensor, detected via infrared rays, activating the motor. Consequently, with the sensor not directly resting on the skin and being surrounded by the urethane foam, the issue with perspiration is resolved alongside the benefit of the photoelectric sensor being significantly cheaper than the myoelectric one.

Mechanics of the photoelectric sensor

Since the filming of this documentary, this foundation has been used to create a three-fingered device and a five-fingered device, with realistic options available through the use of a silicone glove.

Different prosthetics created by Yoshikawa

This video shows the three-fingered device in action.

Through researching this topic, it has enabled me to understand the components that need to be considered when developing new prostheses, along with providing equal options for everyone. By developing a lightweight, cost effective, highly functional prosthetic, this has opened up options for individuals who would have previously been limited to a purely cosmetic prosthetic. Hopefully, with the advancement of technology, like what Yoshikawa has demonstrated, a wider range of prosthetic options will be available which users can choose from dependent on their lifestyle.

Check out the link below for the documentary:

The role of AI in the future of prostheses

With surgeries becoming more accessible and the solution to treating certain diseases that could potentially be fatal, the emergence of prosthetic limbs has definitely been an important medical advancement. One of the earliest prostheses used was a wooden toe discovered on an Egyptian mummy. Throughout the years, implantable prostheses such as hip and knee replacements have helped many patients return to their normal lives. Study of tissues and discovery of stem cells by Drs. James Till & Ernest McCulloch has allowed scientists to generate whole organs and tissues through tissue engineering, allowing them to perfectly match the organs to the patients, thereby reducing the risk of any complications.

Photo of the first prosthetic used to replace a toe on an Egyptian mummy, over 3000 years ago.

The problem with prostheses

However, despite this, implantable prostheses have their disadvantages. For example, they have a very little active role since they mainly act as a form of structural support. Certain actions such as moving individual fingers in a hand replacement are proven to be difficult since this relies on the work of muscles. Artificial joints are often made out of synthetic materials and these get rejected by the body, causing further illnesses. Moreover, they have a relatively short lifespan of around 5 years, meaning they will need to be constantly replaced: this could cause financial problems for some families. Recently, a new process called Targeted Muscle Reinnovation has been brought up which allows scientists to connect individual nerves to the remaining muscles, and therefore make it easier to perform complicated movements. However, the process of creating and testing this is manually tiring for the user.

So how has Artificial Intelligence helped us?

In 2017, a group of researchers created a computer-controlled prosthetic arm that could perform elaborate movements and carry out complex activities. The process doesn’t require the user’s efforts, thereby making it easier for them. Previously used prosthetics were controlled through EMG sensors placed on the skin. This new method makes it easier for testing out the models. Furthermore, these AI-controlled prostheses respond to nerve signaling patterns, allowing them to produce multiple movements simultaneously. A new technique has also evolved called regenerative peripheral nerve interface (RPNI) relies on wrapping a small piece of muscle around an amputated nerve to produce signals which can then be amplified.

Video showing how the AI-powered prosthetic arm works

AI is slowly being used to introduce intelligence to these artificial prostheses and this will hopefully make them more accessible to people in the future. All current models are just prototypes and are yet to be made available for use.

For more information, check out these links:

This scientific article was written by Marijan Hassan on 23/01/2023


The article was written on 1/09/2020 by the medical futurist


Should Nazi research be used? – The case of Julius Hallervorden

In the first lecture regarding the ethics and law of using humans in research, we discussed the case of Julius Hallervorden, a prestigious German physician and neuroscientist who operated during World War II. Hallervorden’s research sparked great debate, as he received up to 2000 brain samples from the Nazi euthanasia programme, where certain German physicians were authorised to select patients under the age of 18, “deemed incurably sick, after most critical medical examination”, and then administer to them a “mercy death” [1]. While he did not directly participate in the programme, using these materials Hallervorden published several articles during the post-war years furthering the understanding of multiple neurological disorders, even having a condition named after him and his colleague, Hugo Spatz, Hallervorden-Spatz disease.

Julius Hallervorden (1882-1965; middle) and Hugo Spatz (1888-1969; right) performing a neuropathological examination; year unknown. Person on the left unidentified. Photo published with permission from the Archiv der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem.

Furthermore, Hallervorden denied any responsibility for the deaths of his subjects, stating “If you are going to kill all those people, at least take the brains out so that the material can be utilized”, as he continued, “I accepted the brains, of course. Where they came from and how they came to me was really none of my business”. Hearing Hallervorden’s opinion added to the controversy, trying distance himself from the atrocities, while others would argue he is complicit with the forced euthanasia.

After reading related articles and scouring YouTube, I discovered bioethicist Jürgen Peiffer, who reported multiple papers published by Hallervorden that likely used data collected from brain sections of “euthanasia” victims [2], also noting the terminology used, as he referred to patients brains as ‘material’, which Peiffer believed showed a lack of compassion. After Hallervorden’s death in 1965, the science community began to object his publishments, culminating in the renaming of Hallervorden-Spatz disease nearly 40 years later in 2003 [3].  

Screenshot from “Aktion T4: A doctor under Nazism”. A WWII documentary that explains in detail Hallervorden’s role in the Nazi euthanasia programme as well as his research. Available at:

During the lecture, we discussed in small groups our own opinions on this case, which allowed me to reflect on all views regarding Hallervorden’s research. I realised just how controversial this topic was, as it showed the unanimously horrific practices of the Nazi party still influenced modern research.

My personal opinion

Coming from a scientific background, I can understand the desire for knowledge that drives researchers ambitions to discover the unknown. I believe this is a principle found in all individuals but is more prominently hard wired into scientists. That being said, I also believe that everybody, scientist or not, should have a moral compass strong enough to realise what is ethically and morally acceptable.

I do not believe Hallervorden was an evil individual, rather his ambitions and desires were filled without limit, which ultimately hindered his moral judgement. In other words, he realised he had an opportunity to conduct revolutionary medical research and took it without considering the ethical and moral implications of his work.

Whether or not we should use his research is an infinitely complex debate. On the one hand, the research has contributed to our understanding of complex disorders, potentially saving countless lives. Additionally, to not use the research would be a waste, a similar justification to Hallervorden’s. Contrastingly, I believe it is not acceptable to credit someone who was complicit with such atrocities, and to do so would be inconsiderate and insensitive to the patients families, as well as tarnishing the reputation of scientific research as a whole.

To conclude, I believe Hallervorden should be striped of his accolades and no longer be credited for his research, however, I think the research should be used as it could save lives and provides a foundation for more research in this area.


  1. Proctor, R.N. and Proctor, R., 1988. Racial hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis. Harvard University Press. Available here.
  2. Peiffer, J., 1999. Assessing neuropathological research carried out on victims of the ‘Euthanasia’ programme: With two lists of publications from Institutes in Berlin, Munich and Hamburg. Medizinhistorisches Journal, (H. 3/4), pp.339-355. Available here.
  3. Hayflick, S.J., Westaway, S.K., Levinson, B., Zhou, B., Johnson, M.A., Ching, K.H. and Gitschier, J., 2003. Genetic, clinical, and radiographic delineation of Hallervorden–Spatz syndrome. New England Journal of Medicine348(1), pp.33-40. Available here.