NET-ZERO FUTURES 21 Conference

 27 October 2021 09:00 – 16:25

University of Birmingham/streamed online

Net-Zero Futures (


If you are a PhD or postdoctoral researcher working in the areas of energy, infrastructure and cities, this is the event for you!

Net-Zero Futures 21 provide a unique conference for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers whose work contributes to the Government’s target of Net Zero Carbon emissions by 2050.

Organised by the Energy Research Accelerator (ERA) and the Centre for Postdoctoral Development in Infrastructure, Cities and Energy (C-DICE), this full-day conference at the University of Birmingham includes leading speakers from industry and academia, and provides tailored development sessions.

Held just a few days before the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, the conference is aimed at PhD students at ERA partners and postdoctoral researchers at both ERA and UKCRIC partners working across a variety of disciplines towards the Net Zero agenda.

The conference will take place in person at the University of Birmingham but the morning sessions will also be live streamed for those who are not able to join us in person.


Net-Zero Futures 21 is FREE for PhD students based at an Energy Research Accelerator university (Aston, Birmingham, Cranfield, Keele, Leicester, Loughborough, Nottingham and Warwick) and post-doctoral researchers based at an UKCRIC or ERA university. A list of all the eligible universities can be found here

If you are PhD student or postdoctoral researcher at one of these universities, please register on Inkpath using the instructions here.

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