First three participants have completed SYMPACT

(c) flicker, Marc Accetta

In the past week, the Cardiology Research team at Queen Alexandra Hospital (QAH), have successfully received the consent of the first participant into SYMPACT. They did this within an hour of getting the “green light” to approach people to take part who are attending theĀ  QAH for their healthcare. Even better within the first week they increased the number of people the invited to participate to 5, three of which have completed their questionnaires. Only 7 more to go until I can colour in the first puzzle piece to the heart. The heart puzzle will represent how well we are doing in the recruitment, each puzzle piece means 10 people have agreed to help us with the study and have completed the study questionnaires.

While this is very early in the progress of SYMPACT, as I would like to invite a minimum of 347 more people to share their experience of living with Chronic heart Failure through this study.Ā If you have been told (or know someone who) that your ā€˜heart is no longer pumping efficientlyā€™ or that you have heart failure we need you! This will involve completing 3 questionnaires at a single timepoint. for more information you can click on the tab “About SYMPACT” to learn more or to get in touch with us to find out how you can help with the study.

Thanks again to theĀ research team at QAH who helped with the set up of SYMPACT at your site, and Serena Howe for consenting the first participant. A special thanks to the everyone with heart failure who haveĀ  already kindly shared their experience and given their time to help with this study.

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