Between April 1998 and October 2002 we interviewed some 12,583 women – an amazing level of support from the women of Southampton. Of those, 3,158 have gone on to have babies in the study – nearly all of whom were measured at birth. The following number of home visits to see the mums and children have been undertaken by our research nurses:-
2,963 – 6 month visits
2,877 – 1 year visits
2,779 – 2 year visits
2,644 – 3 year visits
1,076 – 4 year visits
2,027 – 6-7 year visits
1,055 – 8-9 year visits
1148 – 11-13 year visits
The 4 year visits have resulted in the following data:
900 – DXA (bone scans)
593 – Actiheart physical activity measures (mother and child)
268 – Brain development assessments (mother and child)
At 6-7 years, we have the following:
2,027 – 6-7 year home visits
1,399 – 6-7 year clinic visits
At 8-9 years, we have the following:
1,055 clinic visits
973 DXA bone scans
353 MRI heart scans
At 11-13 years, we have the following:
1,148 clinic visits
1,133 DXA bone scans
1,112 brain development assessments in child
637 brain development assessments in mother (for those not assessed earlier in the study)
1015 step test measures
664 tooth photographs
257 blood samples