Category: Press

  • Alcohol intake make be linked to premenstrual syndrome

    Alcohol intake make be linked to premenstrual syndrome

    The paper “Premenstrual syndrome and alcohol consumption: a systematic review and meta-analysis” received a great deal of media coverage including newspaper articles in The Southampton Daily Echo; The Daily Mail; The Scotsman; The Daily Telegraph; The Sun; The Kuwait Times; Science Daily and The Scottish Daily Mail. For further information see the University of Southampton’s…

  • Southampton women help unravel the mysteries of pre-menstrual syndrome

    Southampton women help unravel the mysteries of pre-menstrual syndrome

    For further information about the Southampton Women’s Survey contact Dr Hazel Inskip. Sue Nottingham, Press Officer, External Relations, University of Southampton 023 80594993 or email

  • Baby is one in a thousand for medical research survey (Ref 02/75)

    Baby is one in a thousand for medical research survey (Ref 02/75)

    A Southampton woman taking part in a unique medical research survey in the city has just given birth to the 1,000th baby born to women participating in the project. Kerrie Bennett is one of thousands of local women taking part in the Southampton Women’s Survey, which aims to examine the influences on the health of…

  • 10,000 Southampton women now recruited to pioneering health survey (Ref 01/127)

    10,000 Southampton women now recruited to pioneering health survey (Ref 01/127)

    Ten thousand Southampton women have now taken part in the largest study of women’s health and lifestyle ever carried out in the UK. The pioneering medical research project started in 1998 and aims to recruit all Southampton women aged 20 to 34 years to learn more about the dietary and lifestyle factors that influence the…

  • Unique women’s health survey goes on-line (Ref 00/133)

    Unique women’s health survey goes on-line (Ref 00/133)

    From this week, Southampton women between the ages of 20 and 34 will be able to register for the groundbreaking Southampton Women’s Survey on the Internet. The survey, which is open to all women in Southampton aged 20-34, is being undertaken to assess women’s health, diets and lifestyles with a view to improving the health…

  • Groundbreaking survey of women’s health seeks more recruits (Ref 00/80)

    Groundbreaking survey of women’s health seeks more recruits (Ref 00/80)

    Women visiting Southampton Balloon and Flower Festival next weekend will get the chance to sign up to help in a pioneering study that could influence future public health policy worldwide. Six thousand women have so far been recruited to the Southampton Women’s Survey. This unique project is expected to produce important findings both on women’s…

  • Picturing women’s lives (Ref 00/54)

    Picturing women’s lives (Ref 00/54)

    From the inside of a woman’s fridge to the outside of her house, a new exhibition of photography by Magda Segal provides a compelling insight into women’s lives today. The photographs, which are currently on show in Southampton City Art Gallery and transfer to the Wellcome Institute in London in late June, are part of…

  • Life through the fridge door (Ref 00/40)

    Life through the fridge door (Ref 00/40)

    Would you want the inside of your fridge to be exhibited to the outside world? Even Hello! magazine doesn’t go that far, but this was precisely the challenge facing 12 Southampton women whose everyday lives were photographed as part of the Southampton Women’s Survey. The results-including sweating vegetables, half-eaten cakes, and even Ratty the rat-now…

  • Southampton’s women – real lives in science and art (Ref 00/30)

    Southampton’s women – real lives in science and art (Ref 00/30)

    A unique collaboration between medical research and art will form part of a major photographic exhibition at Southampton City Art Gallery next month. Southampton’s Women, photographed by Magda Segal, focuses on some of the women who are participating in the Southampton Women’s Survey. The Survey is one of the largest and most significant focused research…

  • Nurse gives birth in her own Study (Ref 99/)

    Nurse gives birth in her own Study (Ref 99/)

    Local nurse, Debbie Scully, who is both working on, and taking part in, Southampton’s pioneering Women’s Survey, has just given birth to a baby boy. Debbie, whose pregnancy was monitored as part of the study, gave birth to Jeremiah at the Princess Anne Hospital. The Southampton Women’s Survey is studying 20,000 women in the city,…

  • Millenium baby boom not happening (Ref 99/92)

    Millenium baby boom not happening (Ref 99/92)

    The much publicized “millennium baby boom” – and the accompanying prediction of New Year chaos in maternity hospitals – is not going to happen, according to researchers involved in The Southampton Women’s Survey, a large-scale survey which aims to identify pregnant women early in pregnancy. According to data gathered by the researchers in the last…

  • Women’s survey makes the news (Ref 99/85)

    Women’s survey makes the news (Ref 99/85)

    The Southampton Women’s Survey, one of the most important surveys of women’s health ever to be undertaken, this week launches the first in a series of regular newsletters to ensure that the community is aware of the good progress that is now being made. From photographic exhibitions to pregnancies within the Survey Team, the newsletter…