BBC ‘City Hospital’

In June 2001, the SWS was featured throughout the week on BBC’s City Hospital. This showed our research team at work on different parts of the SWS Children’s Follow-Up. Various pregnancy stages were filmed at Princess Anne Maternity Hospital, where Chantelle Carter was shown having a heel scan at her 11 week visit – she went on to deliver baby Bradley on 8/11/01; Anna Young was seen having a 19 week ultrasound scan and later gave birth to Adam on 3/10/01; and Sarah Dawson was being scanned at 36 weeks and was then interviewed with baby Josh, who arrived only a week later on 28/5/01 – he obviously didn’t want to miss out on being on the tele! Also featured was one of our children’s follow-up visits to see 2yr old Megan Boston and Mum, Rebecca.


