TAG 2016 Southampton

#TAGSoton (the Theoretical Archaeology Group conference) has just finished and included a session looking back at 50 years of Archaeology at the University of Southampton.

Following this event we have 159 people registered on Eventbrite and with some people who have emailed us, we must now be approaching 200 ‘registrations of interest’ in attending our 50th Anniversary event.

Merry Xmas to everyone and all our best wishes for the New Year!

Regards. The Archaeology 50th Anniversary organising committee.

Roman numeral for 50!

Archaeology Alumni

The University of Southampton alumni office has contact details for 1688 alumni, out of 1941 who have completed an archaeology degree, and of those we only have email addresses for 871. No formal records exist for former members of staff.

If you haven’t been contacted by us directly, but would like to be kept informed of the upcoming anniversary events, please get in touch using the event email address (suarch50@soton.ac.uk). Your contact information will not be passed on to the University, or used for any mailing unrelated to this specific event.