Sir Philip Dilley – Distinguished Lecture; Environmental Infrastructure – a view from the Environment Agency

Date / Time


18:00 - 19:00

Add to Calendar 26/Mar/2025 09:40 AM 26/Mar/2025 09:40 AM DD/MM/YYYY


Building 67 / Room 1027



Event Details

We are pleased to announce that Sir Philip Dilley, Chairman of the Environment Agency, will be visiting the University of Southampton as part of our Distinguished Lecture programme.

Sir Philip became Chairman of the Environment Agency in September 2014. Sir Philip was until April 2014, the Executive Chairman of Arup Group, a trust-owned global planning, engineering, and project management consulting firm.

Lecture title: Environmental Infrastructure – a view from the Environment Agency

Environmental infrastructure plays a critical role in our lives. We all rely on a network of services that ensure our homes remain habitable and the environment we live in is protected.

The Environment Agency regulates those that provide water and waste services, it builds defences that protect us from flooding and advises government on the provision of national infrastructure. Sir Philip Dilley will explore the current and future role of the Environment Agency as regulator, provider and advisor on environmental infrastructure and the associated challenges of changing climate.

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