Monthly Archives: July 2017


Alzheimer’s Society funded Doctoral Training Centre in Southamptonme_9JB1479

Director: Ruth Bartlett

The Doctoral Training Centre at the University of Southampton is a dementia research centre for dementia care. The centre is funded by the Alzheimer’s Society and is one of eight centres across the UK.  Each Doctoral Training Centre has a specific focus. The focus at Southampton is to explore complex care situations related to patient safety, risk enablement, and promoting the welfare and rights of individuals and families living with dementia, and communicating this new knowledge to those who need to know.

Student projects

Our first cohorts of 3 student projects include:

• Material Citizenship: The ‘right’ for people with a dementia to have and use objects in care homes – Kellyn Lee, supervised by Associate Professor Ruth Bartlett and Dr Rebekah Luff.

• How do you keep mum and dad safe when they have dementia– Amelia Abbott, supervised by Dr Rosalind Willis and Dr Lucy Brindle.

• “Sit down Mrs Jones”: risk enablement and mobility on an acute medical ward.