Wednesday 11th October.
It is time for the second SoNG seminar and speakers for today include Alan Sanderson from our Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) and Nathan Huneke from Psychology and poster prize winner of the 2017 Annual Song conference.

Alan Sanderson from ISVR (FEE)
First on was Alan, who presented his work on Cochlear implants. He explained that some patients show side effects after implantation of these devices and Alan is part of a team that investigated the underlying mechanism. We heard some interesting explanations, based on circuit faults and impendence, which can be measured, and the possibility that genetics and immune reactions can also play a role.
Alan Sandersson is a Teaching Fellow within Engineering and the Environment; to find out more about Alan’s work click here

Nathan Huneke from Psychology
The second talk was presented by Nathan presenting his work on the CO2 model of anxiety and the role of placebo effects in the validation of anxiolytic drugs. Could information give to participant of clinical trial influence the outcome of the study?
Nathan Huneke is an Academic Clinical Fellow at Department of Psychiatry; To find out more about Nathan’s work click here