Category Archives: Trust

The Grand Plan(s) – Part 1


The trust machine link to online identities does not break anonymity or invade user privacy as only trust related data is displayed and no personal details or identifiable traits are passed on to other users of The Buccaneer Network (or any other client system of the trust machine). The net result is that site users get a valid and current indication of each other’s trustworthiness, while each individual user still maintains full control over their own online persona.

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Scams and Loopholes –(Ecommerce,online marketing and trust)

Amazon scams on the rise in 2017 as Fraudulent Sellers Run Amok and Profit big. there are 529 counts of negative feedback from people who never received their purchases from one of the three fraudulent sellers (EVILLE, xkuehns,HJSGHUY). Continue reading

Maintaining User Identity With Third Party Social Media APIs…

One of the methods we propose for building our trustworthiness metric is to establish a single identity for our users by linking their Trust Machine identity to their other online identities on sites such as Ebay, Facebook and Twitter. The aim is to link an account to one on another service and only allow one link per Trust Machine user, so that once a profile has been used to create a Trust Machine account it can never linked to another one. Continue reading

The Trust Machine: Technology For Scalability

Our project has two inter-dependant components, both of which are vital to each other. The web application is a business case that we have identified as having immense potential but one that fails because for lack of an effective user trust model. The trust application solves this problem but cannot be built without a use case to build it around and demonstrate its viability. This puts us in the enviable position of having two excellent products for the price of one!

However they will only be excellent if we choose the right technology stack… Continue reading

Definitions of Trust, oh my…

Trust is concept that exists across numerous disciplines. One thing they all seem to agree on is that there is a lack of agreement either within or across disciplines on what the definition of trust is. One sociologist, Beatty, who declines to settle on a definition, describes it as a mercurial, context-dependent concept defined as a noun, verb, psychological state, personality state, belief, social structure and behavioural intention. Continue reading