About Us


We are Team Philosoraptor.



Meet the team:


Hi! I’m George. I’m a fourth year MEng Computer Science student. My main interests are programming and web design and implementation. In this project, I will be prototyping the ideas we have to prove the concepts. I am also the group coordinator and keep records of the meetings. These can be found on the ‘Meetings’ page.


Hi! I’m Robert. I am in the first year (MSc) of the four year iPhD programme in Web Science, prior to which I obtained an MA in Philosophy and an MBA, both from the University of Stellenbosch. Before joining the iPhD programme I worked in compliance, management consultancy and finance both in the UK and in South Africa. My academic interest now lies in the ever-expanding field of personal cyber security as shaped, for better or worse, by national legislation. For team Philosoraptor’s development of The Buccaneer Network I will be focusing on general business strategy, branding and the service offering.


Hi! I’m Bernard. I am in the first (MSc) year of a four year iPhD programme, studying Web Science. Before this I was a systems developer and have an interest in software engineering and web architecture, as well as understanding the web as a socio-technical phenomenon, looking at it from an interdisciplinary viewpoint. I will be studying the issues of trust and trustworthiness in social networking and trying to devise a model we can use to measure and quantify the risk an individual takes in trusting another with a view to creating a ‘Trust Machine’: an API endpoint that can supply a trustworthiness value for a given user. I also administer this WordPress site.


Hi!I’m Mojia Qu, as the name is to hard to pronounce I like my friends to call me Kitty if they wish. I am the Msc Web Technology student. However, It’s not my first year in UK as I have done my third year studying in University of Bedfordshire, majoring in Computer Networking. Currently the biggest  enermy I am fighting for is Procrastination!!! Cause I am definetely the  last-minute person and sometimes it brings troubles. I eager it a lot that I could defeat it soon! In this project, I will take over design part of the website, which includes Accessibility, Usability and compatibility.