The following is a list of activities that CMs can use in supporting their trainee and develop their practice in different ways.


Get the trainees to observe you and other members of staff in the school. Trainees can even observe themselves when watching back a video recording of their teaching. This is an incredible powerful tool and helps Trainees to see things they hadn’t noticed and CMs to illustrate the points they are making. All observations need a focus and Trainees should be encouraged to focus on something specific rather than be too general. Questions could be set, for example, that Trainees have to answer as a result of the observation or they are asked to provide a written reflection of what they observed and how this will impact their practice and the progress of the pupils they teach.


Feedback should be done through the delayed debrief process. Vary ways in which the discussion is approached, you start or the trainee starts, and not always with the same question, e.g. “how did you think that went?” Balance honesty with need to build confidence and focus on the positives.


In discussion during a Weekly Review or during a lesson debrief, ask the trainee what they have read about as part of their university sessions or assignment writing.


Discuss views on such topics as teaching and compare ideas presented at university or in any literature the trainee has read with those at school. Consider why they might be different.

Team Work

Produce resources and lesson plans collaboratively, sharing ideas and the thinking behind the decisions being made. This could also be done independently and then reviewed together to give the Trainee an opportunity to think independently.


Undertake joint planning of lessons that may be team-taught. Lessons planned by the CM could be taught by the trainee, and vice versa.


The trainee can teach whole classes, perhaps team-teaching with the CM, or teach small groups from within the class. Vary this to develop the Trainee’s skills and have them work with individuals as a support teacher. Video the lesson, or part of a lesson, to discuss together when watching back the footage.

Above all else, ensure trainees keep thinking about pupil learning and pupil progress.