At the end of each school placement, trainees are required to complete an extended reflection that will be included in the final review statement for that placement. Review Statement 2 for School Placement 1 and Review Statement 4 for School Placement 2. The reflection is normally created over a two-week period, with the draft generally created in the first week and the final version produced in the second week.

The Extended Reflection is a written reflection against each of the five core areas of the Core Content Framework (CCF) to carefully consider the progress they, and the children they have taught, have made.

As the time approaches, the weekly updates from the partnership site will inform trainees and CMs about the reviews and any changes to the Weekly Review agenda. Typically, if trainees are to write an Extended Reflection, there is no need to write the normal weekly reflection.

During the period when Extended Reflections are being written, the agenda for the Weekly Review needs to be amended so that trainees and CMs:

  • review targets and set new ones (which need to be met so that the minimum are carried over into the next placement);
  • discuss pupil progress;
  • review the trainee’s extended reflection considering:
    • the learning that the trainee has achieved over the placement;
    • approaches and strategies that were adopted to enable the trainee to learn to teach;
    • any changes in beliefs and attitudes that the trainee has experienced, or areas of teaching that they now think differently about, and why;
    • areas of strength;
    • areas for improvement that can inform targets for School Placement 2 or the ECT year.

CMs should consider the content of the Extended Reflection, and discussions of it, when writing their comments on the relevant Review Statement.

Throughout the two-week period of preparing the Extended Reflection, formal lesson observations and target setting must continue.

Further information and guidance, for trainees, can be found on Blackboard under School Placements.