For children, young people and their parents
What is the PARC project about?
Asthma is very common in children and young people. It is a long-term lung condition which causes wheezing and breathlessness. Severe asthma attacks may need hospital treatment and can be life-threatening. Two types of inhalers are typically used to treat asthma:
- Relievers (usually blue)
- Preventers (usually taken every day in the morning and evening)
Preschool children who wheeze may also be given inhalers. Children who need to use a blue reliever inhaler more than 2-3 times per week are more likely to have severe asthma/wheeze attacks. It has been recommended that children prescribed high numbers of blue reliever inhalers in the past 12 months should have a check-up.
We are aiming to find out whether an enhanced nurse-led check-up will reduce the number of asthma/wheeze attacks experienced by children and young people who are using too many blue reliever inhalers.