Teaching online: Best practice and pedagogy


Blackboard Baseline

The Blackboard Baseline provides recommended minimum standards for course site structure and organisation within Blackboard. The baseline is aligned to the Common Framework for Online Education, is based on student and staff feedback and sets out what a student at the University of Southampton can expect to find in Blackboard to support their studies.

Good Practice Guidance for Online Assessment

The best assessments are ones which are authentic, i.e. that they are meaningful within the context of the subject – its practices and writing conventions. CHEP provides some guidance on getting started.

Digital Learning

Excellence in VLE awards

An annual competition for students to nominate exemplary Blackboard courses. Award-winning courses have been chosen for their innovative features and for the high standard of support they offer students.

Winners are invited to share best practise by writing up case studies. See what it is that makes these courses stand out.

Digital Learning blog

Keep up to date with all the news, information, events and resources from the Digital Learning team.

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