GDP 23: Hydrofoiling Catamaran Experimental Research Platform

In recent years there has been an increasing trend of utilising hydrofoils to reduce drag and enhance the performance of high speed sailing vessels, following the developments of the International Moth class and the AC72s in the 34th America’s Cup. With this current interest growing within the marine industry, it is an exciting opportunity to establish a research platform acting as an interface to effectively carry out experimental testing of innovative hydrofoil technology.

Foil fitting CAD
Foil fitting CAD

Our aim is to create this research platform by retrofitting a NACRA F18 catamaran using two J-shaped foils to facilitate foiling. In addition, two T-foil rudders will be designed and manufactured from composite materials. A pod system inserted onto the existing daggerboard cases, seen in Fig. 1, will also be developed to attach the J-foils to the side of the boat. The rudders will be designed to have interchangeable wings, allowing for different combinations of main foils and rudder tips to be used. This will permit the investigation into effects of alternative designs. These are the two main features that affect the forces acting on the boat and are therefore very important when developing a foiling craft.

Autumn trials
Autumn trials

In order to analyse the boat’s response to real world conditions and to collect performance data such as speed, acceleration, roll, rate of turn and foils force, a suitable data acquisition system will also be developed. We aim to provide a good basis for further hydrofoil research to be carried out within the University and hope to encourage more curious minds to pursue naval architecture!

at speed
at speed

If you want to find out more about the project as it goes forward please visit their facebook page


Pipefish triumphs at AUV2016

At the start of November, Artur Lidtke (FSI), Daniel Roper (NOC), Georgios Salavasidis (NOC and UoS), Jon Downes (FSI), and Sophia M Schillai (FSI and NOC) headed to Tokyo for the AUV2016 conference.
From newest AUV developments in sensors and navigation to multi vehicle cooperation, the AUV2016 conference covered the current state of the art in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. Our own contributions ranged from Computational Fluid Dynamics for the EU H2020 Bridges glider project, to vehicle risk and safe navigation of AUV in unknown terrain with restricted sensor input and novel power supply solutions.
Besides presentations, the conference included a demonstration of the impressive AUVs at the University of Tokyo and a student competition for designing a novel AUV, in which Sophia managed to impress the 8 international judges and placed first with her Pipefish AUV.
 On the last day, group discussions on the current gaps in AUV development gave us the chance to exchange ideas and get the perspective of experienced AUV researchers from across the world.
After the conference we were given a tour of the headquarters of JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), including their newest research vessel KAIMEI, the manned submersible SHINKAI and the 10 m long URASHIMA AUV.
IMAGE CAPTION: Blair Thornton, who has now joined us in Southampton, showing the BOSS-A AUV to Artur and Sophia at The University of Tokyo

Structurally sound awards

On 1st November 2016 Mike Ellis, a Ship Science Graduate, visited Boldrewood to present the Babcock Part 2 Structures Design Award 2016. The winners of this year’s award were Charlotte Dodge and Nathaniel Warren, who both received cash prizes.  Highly commended certificates were presented to Xiao Ma, Nadir Wahab and Yifu Zhang. The winners of the award are selected for the high quality of their Structural Design course work submitted for SESS2016, Ship Structural Design and Production.

Mike Ellis and students in the B176 Design space
Mike Ellis and students in the B176 Design space

This module aims to examine aspects of design relevant to the longitudinal and transverse strength of a ship.  This is conducted through both first principles design and the use of classification society rules. In addition the production technology applicable to the shipbuilding industry is examined from the perspective of the shipyard and its management but also from a design for production viewpoint. The complementary management module provides production planning and scheduling relevant to ship production.

HIPER looks to future ships

Dr Weymouth's proof that ship science is greater than rocket science"
Dr Weymouth’s proof that ship science is greater than rocket science”

The 10th Symposium on High Performance Marine Vehicles was held in Cortona this October, on the theme “Technologies for Ships of the Future”. Dr. Weymouth represented the University of Southampton and the Fluid Structure Interaction group, giving an invited review on biologically-inspired methods for marine propulsion and maneuvering. There were quite a few interesting talks on biologically-inspired technologies as well; from shark skin and dolphin blubber inspired coatings to squid and flagella inspired underwater vehicles. The proceedings can be found via
Marine and maritime universities from around the world were in attendance and gave presentations, including academics from the United States (U. Michigan, Florida IT), the UK (Strathclyde, Newcastle, UCL), Europe (NTNU, TU Delft, TUMM, NTUA) and many others. There were also many research and industry groups, from Dell to the US and UK Naval research labs. There were many talks on automation and drag reduction, and the major theme seemed to be increasing maritime vessel efficiency in design, construction, and operation.
Overall the symposium was a great opportunity to renew connections from around the world and any trip to Cortona is a chance to take in the scenery, drink some wine, and even brush up on your pasta making.
Keeping conference costs low in the kitchen
Keeping conference costs low in the kitchen

Winning ways rewarded by Wartsila

Today John Thornhill of Wartsila UK presented the Ship Design and Economics,  Wartsila, General Arrangement Prize to Gilberto Zambrini and Cillian McGreer for their excellent coursework in the SESS2017 Part 2, Ship Design and Economics module.
They each received a copy of Wartsila’s book ; Wartsila Encyclopaedia of Marine Technology along with a certificate which recorded their achievement. Whilst here John took the opportunity to chat with the students about their current design task (Part 3, SESS3024 Marine Concept Design). Generally staff and students were very pleased with the awarding of this  prize which aknowledged hard work and thoughtful design.

Greenwich Forum Prize for the 2016 Best Undergraduate Project/Dissertation

University  of Southampton Ship Science students continue to excel at National level with the Greenwich Forum prize for the 2016 best undergraduate project/dissertation awarded to Xiaoming Yang.  Her work was judged the best out of a strong field of seven and dealt with the important topic of parametric roll which has been a concern for certain categories of large ships in recent years. Xiaoming graduated as top of her class with a BEng in Ship Science in June 2016.

Influence of CG and wave height on parametric roll
Influence of CG and wave height on parametric roll

Our wave energy powered AUVs and ASVs systems presented at OCEANS16

At the end of September FSI PhD student and Ship Science MEng graduate James Bowker and Dr Nick Townsend presented their research at the OCEANS16 conference in Monterey, California.

IN situ trial of wave energy capture using gyros
IN situ trial of wave energy capture using gyros

The conference which featured over 500 technical presentations and industrial exhibitions was a real show case of latest ideas and innovations in marine technology. There were sessions on autonomous vehicle design, navigation, control, communication, sensors, imaging, and hydrodynamics – every abbreviation you could think off ASV, AUV, UAV, UUV, ROV!
James and Nick presented their research which is exploring and developing new energy scavenging technologies that can augment and power autonomous marine vehicles such as AUVs, ASVs and potentially boats and ships.
James’ paper “Experimental analysis of submerged flapping foils; implications for autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs)” explores the use of submerged or tandem flapping foils as a mechanism to convert ocean wave energy directly into propulsion or to generate power and recharge the platform.
Nick’s paper “In situ results from a new energy scavenging system for an autonomous underwater vehicle” explores capturing the undesired wave induced motions (roll and pitch) of a floating platform through a gyroscopic system.
MRL systems
MRL systems


Society of Maritime Industries (SMI) Donald Maxwell Award 2016 Winner Announced!

At the Society of Maritime Industries (SMI) AGM Luncheon on the 6th October this year’s Donald Maxwell undergraduate award was presented to Kate Devereux who is just entering her 4th and final year of her MEng as a Ship Science student at the University of Southampton.
Kate received a cheque for £1,000 and her certificate from the Chairman of SMI Mr Peter French.
Mr French said: “Kate is a worthy recipient of this year’s award. Her dissertation is a fantastic example of the work young women are doing in our industry and SMI is proud to be part of celebrating British female engineers.”
The award is given for the best final year degree project from a UK resident student undertaking their study on a degree accredited by The Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology (IMarEST).
Judging was undertaken by SMI Board member Mr Duncan Cunningham FIMarEST and Mr Phil Green CEng FRINA. Kate’s paper most impressed the judges and was on the topic of “Investigation into the suitability of composite materials for the construction of marine propellers.”
The work was carried out following a summer internship at local propeller company CJR propellers working with FSI Alumni Dr Simon Lewis.

Italian National Champions NACRA 17!!!

FSI PhD student Laura demonstrates that her understanding of hydrofoil is not just academic but also can be demonstrated out on the water where it counts. It has been a busy month or so with her recent award winning paper at the conference in South Africa      Also reported by Landrover BAR   where she has been working on  a placement since last year.  She reports on the Italian National Championships as follows

Flying Nacra
Flying Nacra

Last week my helm (Francesco Porro) and I (Laura Marimon Giovannetti) were in Formia racing for the Italian Championship title. The weather conditions were not the best, but we managed to get 5 races in in light wind conditions – 3 of which we won!
The Champions
The Champions

We sailed well throughout the week and managed to stay calm during the long waits for the wind. Our final scores were: 1-(3)-1-3-1!
The opponents were extremely strong and we managed to defeat the Italian representative in the Rio 2016 Olympics games (Bissaro and Sicouri) who came 5th at the Olympics! We are extremely happy with our performance and we look forward to go and trial the new foiling NACRA 17 at the end of October, in the hope that the NACRA class will decide the best boat for us to sail in the Olympic cycle toward Tokyo 2020.

XPrize searches the oceans

Dr Nick Townsend in FSI is coordinating the University of Southampton team that is entering the Xprize for  ocean exploration
More than two-thirds of our planet is covered by water yet we have only explored 5% of the ocean. This physically challenging environment prohibits today’s mapping technologies from exploring the ocean. The Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE will incentivize the innovation required to reach the scale, depth, speed and resolution necessary to illuminate the mysteries of the deep and discover what has remained unknown since the dawn of time.
The University of Southampton team is currently recruiting to our team whether you are a PhD student, member of staff, or a new starting undergraduate or foundation year student there will be a role for all.
Please contact Dr Townsend via his email to find out more!