‘Marine Global Trends 2030’ Thursday 22 January 2015 | 12.30 B175/1025

Ivy Fang, Lloyd’s Register will present the following seminar
Synopsis:   In 2030, we could be living in a world where China owns a quarter of the merchant fleet, almost half of offshore oil is extracted from the deepest waters, there are 100 times as many offshore wind platforms, the size of the tanker fleet is expanding slower than all other major ship types and the number of containerships with capacities that exceed 7,600 TEU is growing three times faster than those below that threshold. Despite the volatile nature of commercial shipping, 2030 could well usher in an era during which the prevailing trends and themes are opportunity and growth. Our industries may still be prone to commercial and political cycles where unexpected shocks can destroy profits, disrupt supply chains and upend business models. But The Global Marine Trends 2030 report offers a positive vision of 2030 for the marine industries, with real opportunities for business, investors, employees and stakeholders.
Come and Listen to Miss Ivy Fang talk about Marine Scenarios to 2030, discuss and debate if you share her cautious optimism for the future.
All are welcome to attend and please feel free to circulate to the wider community.