Great performance by Southampton Engineering in REF2014

It was great to hear just before Christmas that both the quality and quantity of our Faculty’s engineering research was recognised in the results of the seven year long REF2014 process, . Our unit of assessment (General Engineering UoA15 )  beating Cambridge into 1st place on the power rating (eg product of our number of researchers 192 submitted and our grade point average (GPA) of 3.23 out of 4 , where 4 is for world class research). We are also in the top 5 when our GPA is weighted by the proportion of researchers submitted – Southampton submitted 100% of its engineering academics.
FSI played its part in this excellent outcome supplying many strong papers with its 16 staff eligible in 2013 submitted.  Our work in performance sport was one of the many strong impact case studies submitted along with our many PhD successes during the assessment period.