Structurally sound awards

On 1st November 2016 Mike Ellis, a Ship Science Graduate, visited Boldrewood to present the Babcock Part 2 Structures Design Award 2016. The winners of this year’s award were Charlotte Dodge and Nathaniel Warren, who both received cash prizes.  Highly commended certificates were presented to Xiao Ma, Nadir Wahab and Yifu Zhang. The winners of the award are selected for the high quality of their Structural Design course work submitted for SESS2016, Ship Structural Design and Production.

Mike Ellis and students in the B176 Design space
Mike Ellis and students in the B176 Design space

This module aims to examine aspects of design relevant to the longitudinal and transverse strength of a ship.  This is conducted through both first principles design and the use of classification society rules. In addition the production technology applicable to the shipbuilding industry is examined from the perspective of the shipyard and its management but also from a design for production viewpoint. The complementary management module provides production planning and scheduling relevant to ship production.