Bridges visiting the City of Bridges

Dr Jon Downes and Artur Lidkte attended the first general assembly of Bringing together Research and Industry for the Development of Glider Enviromental Services – BRIDGES, which took place in Porto, Portugal.


The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, FEUP ( – hosted the meeting on 6, 7 and 8 September 2016. This meeting aimed to evaluate the project status and share results and solutions between the different partners involved in the project.
BRIDGES is a consortium of 19 public and private partners from 7 European countries (SP, PT, UK, FR, NL, D, CY) and 2 from associated countries (NO, IS). The project is coordinated by ARMINES ENSTA-ParisTech
A possible deep sea glider topology
A possible deep sea glider topology

For more about the progress and news of BRIDGES please visit: