Science of Ships

Arkwright scholars hard at work on the Boyd Golf Ball challenge during their day with FSI in February half term
Arkwright scholars hard at work on the Boyd Golf Ball challenge during their day with FSI in February half term. What decides whether a ship remains upright and stable?

Ship science are participating in this year’s University Science and Engineering week activities on Saturday 12th March on our Boldrewood Innovation Campus.  All are welcome  – see University website for more information.
Ship at sea...
Ship at sea…

This is a great opportunity to meet staff and students and learn about some of the technical challenges involved in designing ships and offshore structures.  A series of hands-on activities and demonstrations of the wave crawler ‘Fleur’ in the towing tank will be available for all ages to explore.
Slider in Southampton's Mitchell wind tunnel
Slider in Southampton’s Mitchell wind tunnel

Prof Turnock will be giving a talk ‘Headfirst to success’ in the LR Auditorium at 11:25 and 14:45. In this he will explore some of the science and engineering behind performance in the wintersport of skeleton and also the links into Ship Design.