Arkwright Scholars explore Maritime Engineering and Ship Science @Southampton

Ship Science has regularly hosted visits by Arkwright engineering scholars. These students apply for these prestigiuous shcolarships at 16 and are intended to help prepare them to be the next generation of leaders in the engineering profession. We were delighted to see tihs year that one of the visitors wrote some kind words about their visit.

2019 Scjholars inspecting our 138 m long wave and towing tank

Our courses at Southampton in Maritime Engineeirng and ship Science are designed to prepare students to play a leading role in the engineeirng profession associated with the maritime sector.  Our degree programmes, both MEng and MSc,  uniquely offer direct routes to professional membership and Chartered Engineeirng status with three such professional associations;
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Institute of Marine Engineers, Scientists and Technologists