Catching the wave -exciting opportunities in ship science and maritime engineering

cropped-LI23136@Stornaway-Severn-class-.jpgOur next University open day is rapidly approaching on the 3rd and 4th of September. We will be providing a range of activities associated with our ship science degree programmes including displays around our recent 4th year group design projects as seen in the Faculty design show and weather permitting displayed on the lawn in front of B176 including our very own foiling research catamaran.

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Staff and students will be on hand in a drop in room to discuss the many opportunities that a Ship science degree programme offers and our flexible choice of themes in naval architecture, yacht and small craft, offshore engineering amongst a number.

Panorama of B185 - a very smart new towing tank frontage
Panorama of B185 – a very smart new towing tank frontage

Recent and not so recent graduates are welcome to catch up and to see our exciting new Boldrewood Innovation Campus including visits and demonstrations of our 138 m long, 6 m wide and 3.5 m deep hydroscience towing and wave tank. Please explore some of our recent activities reported in this blog.
Our admissions team will give a number of presentations through the day and can answer detailed questions.
All are welcome and we would particularly encourage those who maybe are not aware of the exciting opportunities in the maritime engineering sector. If you have potential interests in mechanical engineering or aerospace then please visit the Boldrewood campus and find out some more!