BRIDGES to Europe

Bridges deep water concept glider
Bridges deep water concept glider

It is interesting to see that the FSI based project BRIDGES Bringing together Research and Industry for the Development of Glider Environmental Services has been featured as one of 24 case study projects across the EU by the Russell Group of top UK research Universities as part of its support for the UK to Remain in Europe.
Quoting from the Russell Group overview
The UK should remain at the heart of a modernised, competitive and outward-looking European Union to drive world-class research and innovation at our leading universities.
Research and innovation are global pursuits and are most effective when ideas and people are mobile across borders. The free movement of talent, the networks, collaborations, critical mass of research activity and funding that we gain from EU membership contributes to the competitiveness of our leading universities and the UK economy as a whole.
The Fluid Structure Interactions group consists of around 80 academics, researchers and graduate students drawn together from around the world. We come from many different countries, different backgrounds but are all focussed on the pursuit of academic research and educating the next generation of leading maritime engineers.
We collaborate extensively with colleagues throughout Europe, we educate many European students alongside UK nationals on our undergraduates and MSc programmes, and we welcome many European nationals as part of our staff and postgraduate students.
As Head of Group I just want to affirm my appreciation of the contributions of our multi-cultural and diverse research community in FSI to our on-going work and to repudiate the negative tone of the Referendum campaign. The last article by Jo Cox, MP sums up very well the very many benefits we collectively gain from an open and outward looking approach to the world.