Better hull performance

Dr Charles Erzan Badoe represented FSI at this year’s hull performance and insight conference (HullPIC), held in Castello di Pavone, Italy. The conference was aimed at recent developments in standardizing sensor technologies, merging of big data as well as applying uncertainty analysis, hydrodynamic modelling and extrapolation.
Twin skeg - self propelled
The conference drew together ship owners, operators and performance monitoring companies. The ISO-standard was also introduced, aimed at entering into a more robust performance based contract regarding measurement of changes in hull and propeller performance. The standard will also provide guidance when a maintenance such as hull cleaning, propeller polishing or repainting is needed.
The presentation by Dr Badoe focussed on the impact of hull-propeller –rudder interaction on ship powering assessment. The work investigated the different analysis methodologies that can be applied for computing hull-propeller-rudder interaction. The sensitivity into which the interaction between the propeller and rudder downstream of a skeg is resolved as well as varying the length of the upstream skeg were also discussed including techniques to consider in such computations. Throughout the work, the importance of hull-propeller-rudder interaction for propulsive power enhancement was demonstrated.