Ships Science students visit Arcadia and Queen Victoria

Part 1 ship science students were given special tours around the P & O Cruise ship  MV Arcadia and Carnival Cruise ship MV Queen Victoria,  when they were docked simultaneously recently in Southampton port.
During the turnaround on that day of both ships the ships’ crew  gave the group of ten students in each case a wide ranging tour of the ship. This included in particular the engine control room,  main engine room, podded propulsion area and the bridge, which helped the groups understand how really big ships work.
As the group moved around the ship public spaces were examined as were the access between different decks.  The scale of ship was brought home by the constant movement of stores along the main access area for stores, luggage and crew. The ship’s crew were extremely helpful in answering a whole plethora of technical questions. Prof Philip Wilson accompanied the group on the Arcadia and Dr Jon Downes accompanied the group on the Queen Victoria.
Next week a group of 20 Part 1 ship science students will tour around the MV Ventura when she is in Southampton port.