Open day – full tank!

The last month has been a busy one for the new wave and towing tank . Approximately 140 water tankers (bowsers in the correct parlance) came and went leaving behind 3000 tonnes of pure Otterbourne water.   Carriage installation time lapse….
The first proper use of the wave makers occurred last week and they can create some large waves which is very exciting. We are hoping to demonstrate these at the next University open days at the end of this week all day  on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th.  We are very keen to promote our ship science degree programmes to prospective students  so please feel free to let friends and family know of this opportunity.
We are doing regular tours of the new tank, talks about ship science, tours of our new building (B176)and its new labs as well as the

Panorama of B185 - a very smart new towing tank frontage
Panorama of B185 – a very smart new towing tank frontage

Faculty Design Show in B177.  The new tank is in B185, all on the new Boldrewood campus co-located with Lloyd’s Register’s Global Technology Centre. Just pop in and have a chat with the staff and students around.
As usual in a small discipline we find it difficult to get the message out about the fascinating careers and excellent salaries to hard pressed schools and their students so any help our friends can do in this respect is much appreciated. The next Open day opportunity is in early September.
We are more than happy for members of staff to visit schools to give talks or for a school group to visit us. Please contact our admissions teams, led by Dr Dominic Taunton, if you would like to discuss these opportunities.