Success at SET for Britain award

Presentation of awardI wish to extend our hearty congratulations to one our of PhD students Agnieszka who was awarded a Bronze medal in the final event of the SET for Britain Engineering category held at the Houses of Parliament. ‘The SET for Britain award exists to “present and discuss “ground-breaking” and frontier UK research and R&D to members of both Houses of Parliament at Westminster”.
Dr James Blake her PhD Supervisor commented that   Agnieszka’s research centres on the through life degradation mechanisms for natural composites for structural marine applications, supported by LR. Her research transcends the levels of quantum chemistry to structural component level and looks at re-engineering natural resin systems for optimum performance.  Agnieszka is co-supervised by Dr Alan Chambers and by Dr Robert Raja with whom we have the good fortune of working closely with in Chemistry through our SMMI links.
engineering@outhampton did well overall picking up the silver and bronze awards in the Engineering category.