Erasmus + Maritime Mobility Scheme

The University of Southampton and the University of Alexandria have been awarded an Erasmus+ KA107 student and staff mobility grant of €103,060 to be used before 31/07/2019.   This is to enable the mobility of:


  • Up to 12 students (UG, MA or PHD) from each institution to be hosted in 3/4 month blocks (up to 36 months of student placement time per institution).
    • A travel grant of €530 will be available to students travelling in either direction plus
    • €2555 subsidence grant per 3 month period for students travelling from Egypt to the UK
    • €1954 for students travelling from the UK to Egypt


  • 6 members of staff from each institution for 42 days in country, plus twelve travel days
    • A travel grant of €530
    • An allowance of €1440 for subsistence (if the full 54 day stay and travel period is used)

Student eligibility

The selection of outgoing candidates will be carried out by the sending institution (with standards agreed be both institutions).  Both institutions are committed to selecting students of excellent academic potential (being on track to receive a minimum of a II:I or equivalent).

The grant is specifically for developing links which mirror those established by the SMMI (a focus on marine and maritime education and research) and Alexandria’s Centre for Excellence in Marine and Maritime studies.  As such, it is only open to staff and students who fall within this remit (if you have any questions about this please don’t hesitate to contact Fraser Sturt)

Application process and timeline

The selection of outgoing  students will be carried out by the sending institution.  Both institutions will apply and record a fair and transparent selection process, ensuring equal opportunities.   Students at the University of Southampton should contact the year abroad/Erasmus representative in their department and Dr Fraser Sturt (, students at the University of Alexandria should contact Professor Emad Khalili.

Timeline for Students


Nomination Al undergraduatel Exchange Students must be nominated in accordance with this timeframe Deadlines
Semester 1 and Full Year 15 March
Semester 2 15 September
Application Deadlines Semester 1 and Full Year (Sep) 15th May
Semester 2 (Jan) 15th October

MA Students

Where possible MA students should follow the timeline give above, however, some attitude may be possible, particularly if the candidate is wishing to attend in order to support research activities.

PhD Students

PhD student mobility will be considered on a case by case basis.  Remember you should leave at least 4 months between application and the date you’d like travel.


Staff mobility

Periods of staff mobility must be agreed between institutions, with the visiting member of staff contributing to teaching activities and discussion of pedagogic and research development between partners.

Southampton staff need to complete the appropriate Erasmus+ paperwork in order to apply and be granted the Erasmus+ funding.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Further generic details on applications to Southampton can be found here:

UoS Fact Sheet 201718.