Activity: Organise a Tea Party
To provide students with an opportunity to meet returning students and listen to their experiences.
Contact or ask students to get in touch with as many returning students as they can. Ideally, a representative from each of the countries the future sojourns concerned will live in, should be represented. Book or get students to book a suitable room to share an informal meeting with the returning students. They should ask any questions they think would help, but encourage them to ask specific questions about the practicalities of being a student and about the organization of the university they visited. Can they gather 3-5 tips to share with their class? Ask them to think about a possible strategy they would use to minimize the negative impact such challenges could have on their perception of their life abroad.
Get students to share the stories they heard and the conclusions they derive from this gathering. If they managed to learn the how-to for a specific task (eg. Choosing your modules) encourage them to create an infographic describing the processes step-by-step.