
Privacy will be a concern in any social network. The idea behind Carrot is that users share information about themselves in order to compete, motivate each other, and create a community. While the sharing of information is essential to the function of the network, we must carefully consider privacy concerns.

Blocking other members

It is important that the users have the ability to block other members. If the two people are in the same race, this means that the blocked user will not be able to see the data or posts of the blocking user.

Keeping precise location secret

Users will be able to give basic location information, such as country and city. However, data such as route when running or home address will be kept secret on the platform.

Informing users how their data will be used

The terms and conditions will make sure users understand that their data will be visible to other members of the race they are in. They will also have to give explicit consent when the app access their fitness tracker data.

Keeping data within the group

The user data regarding workouts and similar will only be accessible by other members of the group. It will not be freely available for anyone who is on the platform.

Not sharing data will third party

Carrot will not sell user data to third parties. This will be detailed in terms and conditions.

The technology behind the scenes

The idea behind Carrot is great, but is it technically feasible? This post will explain how Carrot will work behind the scenes.

iOS and Android

Carrot will come as both an Android and iOS app so that the most amount of people will be able to use it. Statistics show that over 99% of devices sold run either iOS or Android. The majority of devices world wide (85% in early 2017) run Android. However, in countries such as the UK and USA, the proportion of iOS users is higher; about half in the UK (ref).

Android and iOS apps require separate development, but because of the distribution of users of the two platforms, we consider it worth the effort to develop for both.

Importing data from health tracking devices

A central function for Carrot is that uploading data from health tracking devices is automatic. To make Carrot useful for as many users as possible, we will implement support for all the major fitness tracking devices.

Many fitness trackers offer web based APIs, or libraries, to help developers access data from the devices. However, both Apple and Google have made single tools which gathers data from a multitude of devices.

Apple offers HealthKit and Google offers Goolge Fit. Both support the majority of popular fitness trackers with the exception of Fitbit, which is supported for Google Fit, but not HealthKit. However, Fitbit offers a web based API, which we can use to download data on the iOS devices. Hence, in the Carrot Android app, we will use Google Fit, and in the iOS app we will use HealthKit and the Fitbit API.

Both Google Fit and HealthKit not only supports fitness devices, but also a number of fitness apps. Both also generate their own data, such as step counting. For Carrot, this means that users who does not own a separate fitness tracking device can use their smartphone for goals that are measured with steps, runs, etc.

Payments and betting

The element of financial risk and reward makes Carrot a light betting app.

Not Android, nor iOS, allow betting apps which handles payments and payouts in the app itself. However, both platforms allow apps that facilitate betting. This means that betting is allowed, as long as the app is free, and no money is transacted in the app.

For Carrot, this means that we will have to make a website where users can purchase Carrot credits, which are used to enter a race. Winning a race is rewarded in credits that can be redeemed on the website.

The website will use the Paypal API to handle the payments and payouts. The website will also be integrated with the app as much as possible. When the user wants to enter a race, the app will start the device web browser with the website. The user login with the same details on the website as the app, make their purchase, and when they return to the app their account has been credited and they can enter the race. When a user win, the app again starts the web browser with the website, and they can have their winnings payed out.


Carrot will have a backend server where all the data will be synced. The data gathered by the app will be uploaded to the server and distributed to the other users of the app. Hence, the timeline for a given race will contain the same data for all the members in the race.

The backend will also store all the necessary information about users, how many Carrot credits they possess, etc.

Carrot and literacy

The ambition to improve oneself and to achieve a goal is for everyone, regardless of age, interests, and how much a person usually uses a smartphone. Therefor, the Kanton team is dedicated to build Carrot in a way that make it useful for users of all levels of web literacy.

We will use Eshet-Alkalai’s article about the five skills of web literacy as a framework. We will not engage in the debate of what age groups or generation may have more or less of certain literacy skills; We will simply consider all the skills in the design of Carrot.

The five skills are:

1. Photo/Visual

Esher-Alkalai writes “People with photo-visual literacy have good visual memory and strong intuitive-associative thinking, which helps them decode and understand visual messages easily and fluently.”

What we take away from this is that Carrot should not require good visual memory or strong intuitive-associative thinking to accommodate the people who does not have good photo-visual literacy. We will therefore make the pages in Carrot very easy to distinguish from each other, and hence easy to understand. We will also be mindful of what message on a given page is the most important, and try to make this visually prominent. For example, when the user is supposed to write down their goal, the textbox with button will be in the middle of the page and we will endeavour to reduce distracting options as far as possible.

2. Reproduction

“Digital reproduction literacy is the ability to create a meaningful, authentic, and creative work or interpretation, by integrating existing independent pieces of information.” 

Eshet-Alkalai, 2004

Since Carrot is not about content creation, this does not really apply. The data will be uploaded automatically, and comments and messages will be voluntary.

3. Branching/Hypermedia

“People with good branching literacy are characterized by a good sense of multidimensional spatial orientation, that is, the ability to avoid loosing orientation when surfing through the labyrinth of lanes that characterizes the hyperspace.”

Eshet-Alkalai, 2004

A telephone conversation I’ve had many times:

Me: “Click the OK button”

Grandpa: “What OK button?”

Me: “The one in the lower right corner of the Properties window”

Grandpa: “I don’t see a Properties window”

Me: “But you just had it up, where did it go?”

Grandpa: “It just disappeared”

Me: “Ok, so click File, and then Properties.”

Grandpa: “I don’t see a file, it only says Google.”

Me: “But we were just in Word, how did you end up in the internet browser”

Grandpa: “I don’t know”

I had many similar conversations with my grandpa in the early noughts. However, since my grandpa, who is now 90 years old, got an iPhone, these phone calls has been on a steady decline. He can perfectly manage it, because the navigation is very clear. There is a home screen which is clearly recognisable, and whenever he wants to go back to it, he just presses the home button. The simplicity helps him with the multidimensional spatial orientation and he doesn’t get lost like he did in Windows 98.

For my grandpa, and others who struggle with Branching/Hypermedia literacy, Carrot will have very simple navigation. While a race is in progress, the user will always come to the race timeline when they open the app. Whenever the user goes of this page, there will be a “back” which will always lead back to the race timeline in as few steps as possible. Any other pages will also be visually easily distinguishable from the race timeline.

4. Information

“Information-literate people think critically, and are always ready to doubt the quality of information. They are not tempted to take information for granted, even when it seems ‘authoritative’ and valid.”

Eshet-Alkalai, 2004

This is a warning that some people might question whether Tom really did his 5 mile run like it says on the timeline. For these people, more detail will be helpful. Therefore, every event on the timeline will be clickable and details will be displayed. Seeing the route, how long it took, max speed, etc will help to give legitimacy to Tom’s run.

5. Socia-Emotional

“socio- emotionally-literate users can be described as those who are willing to share data and knowledge with others, capable of information evaluation and abstract thinking, and able to collaboratively construct knowledge”

Eshet-Alkalai, 2004

Some people want to share more, some less. The ability to comment and post pictures on the race timeline will provide an outlet for those who want to share more. However, the Carrot concept will work even for the people who want to share less.



Uncluttered design, clearly distinguishable pages, clear navigation, and the ability to post to the timeline will make Carrot an app for everyone. Finally my grandfather will have a peer group to help him achieve his fitness goals.

The first wireframes

First page you get to when starting the app for the first time.

This page gives the user a general idea of what steps are involved in using the app. The start button will start them off. Other than this button, there is nothing else to do.

Setting goal

The four steps have now moved to the top, with one emphasised. This is to make it easy for the user to understand the navigation. All the user have to do on this page is to write down what their goal is.

Find peers / race

Based on what the user wrote on the previous page, Carrot have produced a list of races that seem to have similar goals as the user has. The user can now browse the different races and find one that fits them. If they can’t find one, they can create their own race.

Waiting for the race to begin

Each race will have a starting point and an end point in time. During the time before the race starts, people can join the race, check out the other members of the group, and start messaging and commenting.

Race time

Once the race starts, the race timeline page is what the user will be visiting. Here their workouts (or other activities) are posted automatically, and they can also post on this timeline.

It’s here: Carrot!

Most of us has at one time or another decided to make a change that we know would benefit us. There is not shortage of people who want to loose weight, be more active, get the sleep we need, be stronger, or just be able to go for a 5 mile run without being sick. Yet when it comes to putting in the work to reach our goals, the initial enthusiasm quickly vanes.

Conversely, most of us have also had the experience of effortlessly pushing ourselves to perform with one powerful incentive: to win. On the football field, in the boxing ring, or on the tennis court, we push ourselves to be better then others and are motivated by the thought of winning the price as much as we are deterred by the thought of loosing.

Improving our health by walking more, going for runs, or eating better are prone to failure because they are often lonely endeavours without a clear, short term carrot or stick. That’s how the idea for Carrot was born: What if you would have a peer group with similar goals to yours with whom you could engage in friendly competition!

Carrot will enable users to find a group of people with similar goals, and then compete to reach that goal. The Carrot app will show the user what the other group members are doing to reach the goal, which gives you incentive to also take action. It’s one thing to sit in the sofa and think that you “should” go for a run. It’s another to see that Tom just came back from one and he’s going to beat you unless you go too.

but it gets better…

Carrot will also make it very easy to track your own and other’s progress. Carrot will be able to collect data from most popular health tracking devices, such as Fitbits, the iPhone step counter data, smart scales, etc. For example, if you go for a run and use your Fitbit to track the session, the workout you just did will automatically be uploaded to Carrot and your peers will be able to see that you are working towards the goal.

Carrot helps users utilise the natural human motivation to compete and to have a peer group to achieve goals that are normally lonely and difficult to achieve. Seeing what other competitors are doing and the ability to interact and be part of a community will provide the motivation needed to make those new years resolutions more than just beautiful plans.

So stay tuned as Carrot grows!