The Floreana Postbox

On the 15th of September, the Marine biologists and I landed on the Island of Floreana, after doing a coral survey at the Devil’s Crown.

We saw all sorts of amazing animals: iguanas, finches, herons, seals.  Wonderful.


The big red male chooses the best spot for a head nodding and nostril clearing contest!
The big red male chooses the best spot for a head nodding and nostril clearing contest!
This female.......
A female finch waiting to swoop in for a crafty snack of our lunch
 A (black) male finch eyes up any crumbs, that might be worth taking, from a tree.
A (black) male finch eyes up any crumbs, that might be worth taking, from a tree.
......and this juvenile hadn't realised that we were standing on ceremony and hopped down to the table!
……and this juvenile not standing on ceremony, hopped down to the table!



Many things have changed since Darwin arrived in the Galapagos in 1835.  One thing is still there: the Post Office Bay Post Barrel is a tourist’s dream.  You put your letters in it, and with luck a traveller going the same way as the letters will take them back for you and see them safely delivered.  It worked for Darwin, and it could work for me.

My niece has recently gone into ‘Darwin Class’, at her primary school, and what better way to test the system: Send cards to my 2 nieces and one to Darwin Class!

Ready to post
Ready to post at the Post Office Bay Post Barrel
It's in the bag.....
It’s in the bag…..
It's in the Post Office Barrel
It’s in the Post Office Barrel

And that was the last I thought about them, well funnily enough they ‘popped into my mind’ this morning “they’ll probably arrive in about 10 years….”  There were cards that were in the barrel, waiting to get to various parts of the world, since 2013…..

Well.  That all changed this evening when I saw a post on Facebook!  The cards arrived in the UK, with my niece’s today!

Only 1 month and 2 days to travel over 10,000km!
Only 1 month and 2 days to travel over 10,000km!
Thanks Google, for the map!
Thanks Google, for the map!
What a journey!
What a journey!

Post box 7

Susan, whoever you may be, thank you for delivering these postcards.  I think that you will make a class of primary school children very happy, and you have made my day!  Thank you ever so much.