New perspectives: E-learning symposium rebooted.
Language teaching and technology in new educational landscapes.
Abstracts for proposed presentations or workshops should be no more than 400 words. Topics may include but are not limited to, the use in language teaching or research of:
– social networking sites
– Personal Learning Environment
– Communities of Practice
– mobile technology
– MOOCs and open learning
– blogs or wikis
– open educational resources
– Virtual reality and augmented reality
– Gamification
– virtual learning environments
– online tools or courses
– innovative online learning designs or environments
– autonomous learning
– blended learning
– social media, e.g. micro-blogging (e.g. Twitter)
– student-generated digital content
Short papers from the event will be published as an open access ebook.
Presentations (20 mins + 5 mins questions) should describe and evaluate an innovative use of technology with students in higher education and other sectors. Our focus is language teaching; however, we also welcome proposals related to other disciplines, if the ideas can be generally applied cross-discipline.
This might include examples of student engagement for academic purposes with virtual worlds, social networking websites, open educational resources or other Web.2.0 tools; use of innovative learning designs or creative e-learning environments and methods.
Posters should present work on a particular project or topic. They should summarise the key points and give enough appropriate information for the topic/project to be understood in 5-15 minutes. They should be visually interesting and designed to provoke informal discussion of the topic/project amongst colleagues.