Calling Home by Jade Jackman

Phones and recording devices are banned at the notorious Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre, so filmmakerJade Jackman creatively documented the lives of women asylum seekers detained there.

The short 3 and a half minute film has a captivating narration; women (over the phone) tell painful stories about their experiences in the detention centre. The corresponding imagery is minimalist and at parts alines with what is being said. However the imagery is more about capturing a sense of space and the small rooms their lives are confined to.

Dive deeper: American Horror Story


  • Blurriness of reality and dream and how easily someone can get confused with them and reality
  • Music plays a major role in feeling something completely different that there is portrayed in front of the eye

-> Two points that will inspire and lead further research 

Source: BriaHalifax (2012) American Horror Story Season 1 Trailer Available from: [Accessed 12 October 2017]

Magdalena Solis – Prophetic Dreams

Having experienced numerous cases of sleeping troubles and strange dreams, I am currently focusing my research on what the mind and body goes through before and during sleep. The sound I am working on right now will be a combination of self-thoughts, voices and sounds, that influence every day in a direct and indirect way.

The attached video from “Prophetic Dreams” by Magdalena Solis (2011) resembles to what I had in mind. The soundtrack is a mixture of confusing, hard to identify sounds accompanied by a voice recollecting experienced memories.

Soundtrack: ‘Prophetic Dreams’ – Magdalena Solis “Hesperia”, released on Dying For Bad Music, 2011.

Footage: mangled, distorted & mixed by Magdalena Solis.

Visuales:  Dolorosa (

Daggy Diva Pictures by Jules Dazzle.


The combination of speech and sound in the first 20 seconds of this film generates a dramatic effect, further using the repetitive, jumpy style of music to  enhance the sense of suspense throughout the rest of the film. I would like to use a similar type of music in my film, combined with noise made by a sewing machine to create suspense and drama.

I like the way the visuals have been sped up to give the film motion, setting a fast paced tone – something which I think would help to reflect the fast paced nature of the retail industry in my own film. I also think the repetitive/ jittery imagery adds to this.