People Play Their Childhood Instruments

This Buzzfeed video may be a bit ridiculous, but it does relate to my film.   Some of them after a few minutes can play their instrument. Its like learning a bike, you never forget how to ride one after. But this is honestly like how I play my cello, since I have joined university I have played my cello less and less and I constantly have to relearn everything even though I know a lot of it. However if these people practice, even after all those years, it would be like nothing changed.

Bach Cello Suite No.1 played by Mischa Maisky

In this clip the famous Israeli cellist plays Suite No.1. As an Israeli I was told of Maisky as soon as I started playing cello at the age of 7. My relationship with my cello playing has not been similar to other cello students, as I had countless terrible teachers until I turned 16. It has been a huge influence on my life and I think it is important to finally write about it.

I have chosen to play a suite from Bach’s Six Suites  (composed 1717-1723) as it is one of the most important pieces for an unaccompanied cellist. I was taught that there is no correct way of playing this piece and each cellist can play it differently according to their taste. It is probably one of the most recognisable pieces for cello. I started learning this piece 4 years ago but never perfected it. My on and off practice and need to perfect this piece will be explored in my 30sec film.