Helmut Lang promo


Having decided to create an advertisement campaign for the brand Helmut Lang (promoting a more sustainable direction for the brand), I looked for inspiration in their previous advertisement campaigns to get a sense of their typical marketing style and tone.

To me, the sound in this campaign is reminiscent of the constant beat of a sewing machine, showing how even a repetitive noise can be used to create tension and suspense. For this reason, the ‘sound’ element of my film will comprise of my own recordings of sewing machines mixed with a techno track of a similar rhythm, almost as if the sewing machine were a part of the original track. I hope that the sounds of a sewing machine will resonate with the background concept of sustainability, since today fast fashion is one of the biggest sources of waste and is something which is pointing us towards a very unsustainable future.

In my advert, I want to use a sequence of flashing stills of my own Helmut Lang-styled photographs as the visual element, combined with some motion graphics to represent the movement of a sewing machine.




The combination of speech and sound in the first 20 seconds of this film generatesĀ a dramatic effect, further using the repetitive, jumpy style ofĀ music to Ā enhance the sense of suspense throughout the rest of the film. I would like to use a similar type of music in my film, combined with noise made by a sewing machineĀ to create suspense and drama.

I like the way the visuals have been sped up to give the filmĀ motion, setting a fast pacedĀ tone – something which I think would helpĀ to reflect the fast pacedĀ nature of the retail industry in my own film. I also think the repetitive/ jittery imagery adds toĀ this.