Coming Home

Staying at home in the Alpes over the holidays, I got inspired to move my project in a completely different direction. I decided to focus on home and how, today, in a world where we are always traveling, we are seeking for products that remind us of home. Because home is where family is.

I will therefore move my project away from my previously darker idea, involving how our daily lives are influencing our dreams, and towards a commercial for products that remind us of home. In my special case, I will focus on my roots: Bavaria. Bavaria is pretty much just a forest, which is why I’ll promote a “deer” collection – something I immediately identify with home.

Moreover, my choice to change project is directly linked with my course: fashion management. I thought that it would maybe make more sense for me to change to a commercial rather than to explore subconscious changes in a human mind.

But no worries, my project will only showcase the products and mainly use the sounds of the woods to tell the story of the product.


Video 1: 321Relaxing (2014) Rainy Sound and Rainforest Animals Sound – Relaxing Sleep Available from: [Accessed 31 December 2017]

Video 2: EDEKA (2015) Weihnachtsclip #heimkommen Available from: [Accessed 31 December 2017]

Tchaikovsky Op. 49 Overture

I have been looking at the best way to approach my video and came over Tchaikovsky’s Op. 49 form 1812. The piece leads you through a mixture of feelings and pushes the listener into a corner – which is exactly what I want to achieve. Instead of music, I will however experiment with “everyday” sounds and how they can affect an image or, more specifically to my project, a dream. Furthermore, the piece gave me the idea to tell a story without moving images until the last scene or “dramatic climax”. I’m however not sure if I will be able to succeed to it in 30 seconds and will further investigate into it.


Tchaikovsky (1812) Festival Overture Op. 49 Available from: [Accessed 19 December]

Dive deeper: American Horror Story


  • Blurriness of reality and dream and how easily someone can get confused with them and reality
  • Music plays a major role in feeling something completely different that there is portrayed in front of the eye

-> Two points that will inspire and lead further research 

Source: BriaHalifax (2012) American Horror Story Season 1 Trailer Available from: [Accessed 12 October 2017]

Magdalena Solis – Prophetic Dreams

Having experienced numerous cases of sleeping troubles and strange dreams, I am currently focusing my research on what the mind and body goes through before and during sleep. The sound I am working on right now will be a combination of self-thoughts, voices and sounds, that influence every day in a direct and indirect way.

The attached video from “Prophetic Dreams” by Magdalena Solis (2011) resembles to what I had in mind. The soundtrack is a mixture of confusing, hard to identify sounds accompanied by a voice recollecting experienced memories.

Soundtrack: ‘Prophetic Dreams’ – Magdalena Solis “Hesperia”, released on Dying For Bad Music, 2011.

Footage: mangled, distorted & mixed by Magdalena Solis.

Visuales:  Dolorosa (

Daggy Diva Pictures by Jules Dazzle.