Juno (2007)


Having started my research into the promotion of country music, I wanted to look at how visual themes could portray the idea of being homely and friendly with a rustic appearance. While looking at various title sequences and promotional pieces, I found that the title sequence for Juno particularly resembled these themes through rough hand drawn imagery, with inserts of edited photography.

The handcrafted appearance of the piece seems genuine and friendly, as it is apparent from the onset that a lot of time and care had gone into the creation, which is an idea that I would like to portray in my own piece. It was important for the creators of the title sequence (Smith & Lee Design) that the opening sequence portrayed the continuing themes of the film, indicating the idea of romance and love. By giving this indication so early on in the film, the audience begins to make assumptions about the themes in the rest of the film, which is an idea that I would like to play on. Smith and Lee Design purposely created the piece to be at 8fps, to be slightly jerky and raw, giving another dimension to hand drawn approach. This idea adds to the idea that the title sequence is rustic and hand crafted, therefore giving the intentional impression that time and care has gone into the piece, and its imperfections give the piece personality and character.

Believe in Yourself- Motivational Video

This clip inspired my final project because of the strong and powerful message behind it. I like the way the visuals represent what is being said in the audio combined with the slow and moving music in the background.  The visuals are really exciting to look at especially the ones using a go pro to capture action moments. There is also a strong contrast between imagery as some of the clips are brighter and more colorful than the others which are dark. This creates a contrast in moods and helps the audience feel different emotions.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


When you win in Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds, you see the message: “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner”. “’Winner Winner Chicken Dinner’ came from alley craps back in the Depression. They used to play craps in alleys and didn’t always use [money], but if they did it use [money] and they where winning, it meant they they could afford chicken for dinner that night.” The literature on the subject is limited, however, and Guzman allows that “Winner winner chicken dinner” may have roots in Cockney rhyming slang. And here comes to the best funny stream moments, memes, funny fails and pro plays.

Liszt, la campanella, by Yundi Li

La campanella is played at a brisk and lively allegretto tempo and studies right hand jumping between intervals larger than one octave, sometimes even stretching for two whole octaves within the time of a sixteenth note. As a whole, the étude can be practiced to increase dexterity and accuracy at large jumps on the piano, along with agility of the weaker fingers of the hand. The largest intervals reached by the right hand are fifteenths (two octaves) and sixteenths (two octaves and a second). Sixteenth notes are played between the two notes, and the same note is played two octaves or two octaves and a second higher with no rest. Little time is provided for the pianist to move the hand, thus forcing the pianist to avoid tension within the muscles. Fifteenth intervals are quite common in the beginning of the étude, while the sixteenth intervals appear twice, at the thirtieth and thirty-second measures.

The Water Music Dance

From 1.40 to 4.09

The Water Music Dance, is a traditional practice of the women from Gaua Island.

‘The music and dances evoke the sounds their ancestresses have lived with for thousands of years. The crescent formation reflects the way the women have worked standing in a semi-circle at the water’s edge, or in the river, washing and bathing and collecting shellfish.’  -Worldmusiccentral.org


The Water Dance has prompted me to explore the use of water as an instrument to evoke an immersive state of mind, similar to that used in traditional meditative techniques.



Binaural Beats

How Binaural Beats Work

For hundreds of years ancient cultures and tribes have believed in the spiritual healing properties of repetitive, rhythmic sound. It is down to developments in technology and science that these benefits have been proven, and shown how the brain can be entrained by certain beats. Binaural beats are used in meditation and are simply beats constructed at a certain frequency that when listened to, lower your brainwaves to a natural relaxed state. (The science behind this is explained in the link)

You cannot ‘switch off’ your ears, unlike other senses, you are always aware of the sounds around you. This is why sound is so powerful in hypnosis, you can be unconscious yet still aware of the sounds around you. I am interested in the use of sound as a form of escapism, and would like to explore the different ways in which sound can help you switch off and feel immersed in another environment.

What colour is Tuesday?


My piece will be a reflection of my experience with synesthesia,  a condition where the brain essentially mixes up senses.  I want my finalised piece to be mostly personal but somewhat informative, so I have been watching videos and researching the condition and the many forms of it. This video from Ted-Ed summarises the condition well in 4 minutes. I may even use some speech from the video in my sound, as the narrator explains it straightforwardly. I can relate to the title’s question since I have grapheme-colour synesthesia, where I see numbers, letters and words in colour. For me, Tuesday is dark red.