This is another example of how danger is represented through sound.
I wanted to focus on the scene where The Hunger Games (2012) actually commence as the use of sound is carefully implemented to build as much tension as possible and get the audiences blood pumping. The techniques put the audience in the shoes of the protagonist so we as an audience experience it with them.
The beginning of the scene starts with the repetitive beat at of the of the clock counting down. The repetition of this mimics the sound of a heartbeat and increasing and makes it seem like her heart is beating out of her chest. This heartbeat like countdown just helps add to the tension.
When the games has actually begun there is a loud chime sound which seems to mute everything else. The sound gradually quietens over the course of the scene however there is no diegetic sound of the tributes fighting to the death just this continuous chime sound.
The nature of the music quickly develops and becomes more frantic and fast paced as the fight for survival begins. The high pitched and panic frequency
It is only when Katniss runs for her life and moves away from the danger that the diegetic sound returns.
From both the example I have no looked at silence plays a big part in the representation of fear. Fear seems to paralyse the characters ability to hear for a brief moment in time and It is in fact what isn’t heard which makes the visuals more intense.