Dive deeper: American Horror Story


  • Blurriness of reality and dream and how easily someone can get confused with them and reality
  • Music plays a major role in feeling something completely different that there is portrayed in front of the eye

-> Two points that will inspire and lead further research 

Source: BriaHalifax (2012) American Horror Story Season 1 Trailer Available from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cFhUp_2N00 [Accessed 12 October 2017]

One thought on “Dive deeper: American Horror Story”

  1. Good to see your two points for further research, Leonie. Especially like the fact that you have isolated how music/sound can push and pull you in opposing directions ( what we hear is not always what we see and vice versa).
    Be mindful that sound/s need/s to drive the images along and not the other way around. Looking forward to seeing how your project is coming along in the next tutorial. Best, Steve

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