Category: Uncategorised
Bose Get Closer
Bjork is a robot
Art Monthly ads and advertising
Empire of The Sun High & Low
text about why you have uploaded this
Arcade Fire – Creature Comfort – using the “one shot” technique
Presentation/technique experiments
I developed a rough cut for my film based around the idea of an artificial sun, inspired by a news article about LCD screens displaying the sunrise in cities with air pollution and smog too dense to see through- a story that turned out to be sensationalised and false, yet swept the web as truth. It is interesting to consider that technology allows for the spread of false information so quickly and easily, but also that possible, our hyper awareness of climate change made the story, despite being untrue, so emotive. Perhaps we need to confront the plausibility of such an event and our attitudes towards it.
I decided that, given the subject matter, projection would be the most appropriate way t display it in a gallery ( to tie in with the idea of artificial light, and also give me the freedom of different formats, ie. circular or site- specific.) I made a version of the film in a circular format, inspired by Olafur Elliason’s Weather Project, and also the circular motifs in many of Andy Warhol’s experimental screen tests. I then projected this onto and into various spaces using mapping software. Here i produced another video using the footage from the experiments, and some glitch methods/ overlays i have been working on. At this point i may want to include this footage in the film itself, though I haven’t yet decided.
Telekinesis Practical Process
Chronicle is a film surrounding teenage students who wake up with telekinesis like superpowers after exploring a private piece of land where an unexplained power source is found. At first they use these powers to produce elaborate pranks and for self gain however, as their powers grow so does their ability to control it.
These harmless pranks can be scene in the ‘Psychic Pranks’ scene in the film where the students test out their abilities in a supermarket. Each character tries to one up the other leading to the pranks escalating. For example, the first prank they deliberately control a trolly and make it seem that it has a mind of it’s own causing the customer to try and chase it to regain control. This is nothing compared to the final prank in the scene where one of the students moves a parked car to another spot to confuse the customer as to where they parked.
During these pranks I made notes on the type of objects they used for their telekinetic powers and how they appeared to move and blend in with their scene. The telekinetic effect is only believable if the objects are suited to their environments and you don’t notice the editing. Once the audience is aware of the editing it will completely take them out of the world you are creating. To make sure my objects blend in I will need to focus on lighting, colour correction and shadows.
It appears all of the objects used were either green screened or digitally 3D modeled. As I will be editing largely over the holidays I will not have access to a green screen and so I will produce my telekinetic props on Cinema 4D.
By using online tutorials from both Youtube and Lynda I am confident in creating life like Digital 3D objects. For example this tutorial by ‘TheMinecraftGuy105’ explains how correct lighting on its own can make an object really belong in any scene. This accompanied by creating the correct textures and movements for my objects will allow me to create life like digital 3D objects.

MOVIECLIPS. (2015) Chronicle (1/5) Movie CLIP – Psychic Pranks (2012) HD. YouTube. Available from: [Accessed 3rd December 2017.]
TheMinecraftGuy105. (2017) How To Motion Track In Cinema 4D. YouTube. Available from: [Accessed 3rd December 2017.]
Tony Moly
With already capturing all the pictures to create a 60 second stop animation and slowly adding it within Premier Pro, I want to be able to add small illustrations like this video below to be able to expressions or reactions on what is happening to the products.
Number 1
Photograph from my video footage, two models: Bethany Emerton (left) and Carmen Sutter (right). The film depicts the AW17 range for Pretty Little Things being worn by the models on a day trip to Bournemouth’s Hilton Hotel. It lasts 60 seconds and shows the models arriving at the Hilton Hotel car park dressed in PLT casual wear and then follows them going to the Level8 Sky Bar where they are now wearing party wear and are drinking cocktails. The film is accompanied by music from MK using the track “17”. The image shows depth as one model is closer than the other, causing the image to give off a 3D effect. The number 1 in the middle of both of the models also creates a leading line and draws the viewer’s attention to them both.