Kylie Minogue – Come Into My World

Michel Gondry, a film director and producer was the director for the music video Come Into My World by Kylie Minogue. The video was filmed using a narrative loop which is something I had not seen before seeing this video.

Come Into My World was a turning point for me in my research. The video had an upbeat and fast paced tone which is something I want to have in my own film.

To progress on from this, I need to conduct further research into how different films are edited in order to widen my knowledge and skills to create the best outcome for my film.


Kylie Minogue (2010) Come Into My World. Available at: (08 January 2018).

Marina Abramović’s Social Experiment

Marina Abramović is a performance artist who stood still for six hours to let people do what they wanted to her body. She lay 72 items on a table, ranging from a feather to a loaded pistol. The public could use these items as they wished on her. Marina Abramović accepted full responsibility for what happened to her.

Abramović’s social experiment is very interesting to me. She was cut on her neck with razors and sexually assaulted. Still, she managed to endure the 6 hours. It has shocked me how people could do these things to her when they knew that Abramović wouldn’t react.

From looking at Marina Abramović’s work, I feel that I need to research further into human studies on behaviour in order to work out what I am trying to solve in my sixty second film.


The Guardian (2014) Available at: (Accessed: 01 January 2018).

I Think You’re Beautiful! – Social Experiment

‘I Think You’re Beautiful!’ is a social experiment filmed by a student at High School in Australia. Gina Held, the director went up to classmates/ teachers whom she knew and didn’t know and explained to them that she needed to take portrait photos for an Art project she was working on. Instead, she secretly filmed them, to capture a real and authentic reaction to them being told that they are a beautiful person.

I found it fascinating how Gina tricked the people she filmed to capture real and honest reactions. What was so interesting was that every single person she filmed had a different response. Some were happy and some felt in denial and embarrassed. Going forward with my own project I would like to use the same techniques as Gina and use an excuse to film people to capture honest responses to a question I oppose to them. Analysing the differences into why different people have different reactions.


GinaHeld. (2016) I think you’re beautiful! | social experiment. YouTube. Available from: [Accessed 2nd December 2017.]