“PETA tricking the viewers”

PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) is an animal rights organisation that works towards animal liberation.

Behind the Leather.

This commercial starts off like a luxury clothing and accessory advert but it quickly takes a turn when clients discover the bloody insides of the items. I found this very artistic and clever however believed it was not the right way to go about making someone change the way they think about leather. I think anybody’s initial reaction would be to be repelled and not want to think about it ever again. The viewer could even feel angry at the PETA organisation for tricking people into embarrassing themselves in front of cameras and being portrayed as bad people.

Silent Scream.

I found this advert the most efficient compared to all of the previous. I noticed the way it manipulates the viewer’s feelings by showing them situations that would make anybody feel sad and uncomfortable and then comparing those situations to a daily scene of a chef preparing a meal…the main ingredient being a fish who is screaming but not being heard. This is the technique I decided to use for my advert.





The Fooling Technique

Boddintons beer advert.

When first watching this advert I first and foremost thought it might involve perfume. I imagine the average viewer to be excited to see a high end classy perfume bottle at the end of the commercial, and perhaps even imagining themselves for a small instant to be living this fancy lifestyle. I then imagine them to feel almost reassured when they realise that it is a beer advert as alot of people will relate more to beer drinking than an expensive lifestyle!

Budweiser’s “Don’t drink and drive” message.

After watching the fooling technique taking place in the Boddingtons beer advert, I searched for something that was less comical as I want my commercial to be moving and taken seriously. I stumbled upon this advert where I initially believed the theme was Dog Food or a Dog Adoption centre, before realising the serious theme it touches upon.



Recruitment Advert Observation


My initial message was aimed at a vegan audience, to encourage them to join the Anonymous for the Voiceless animal rights movement to speak out for the animals.  I naturally searched for other kinds of recruitment adverts like this one. Despite appreciating the humor element to it and imagining everybody finding it interesting, I only feel like it touches people who are already thinking about joining the police force. This is when I realised that I had the possibility to give out 2 messages in my video and could broaden my audience and let everyone take an interest. My video could contain a message for vegans to get active but also a message for meat eaters to consider veganism.

It is not until later on that I realised that I had not truly appreciated this advert, and the amount of people that they had used on order to give a sense of “being part of something big”.

Christopher Bucklow and Hidden Identity.

I went to see Christopher Bucklow’s work in Southampton and fell in love with the coloured images he creates. The identities of the people are hidden however I feel we get an idea of their personality/aura thanks to the colours that surround the silhouettes… This has given me the idea to add colour to my interviews in order for the viewers to differentiate the diverse victims and perhaps get a feel of their personalities but not their faces… red often represents passion or danger, we often associate green with the earth, purple with mystery… I will perhaps look into the different meanings of colours before I make any decisions!