Inspiration for my location and shoot

For my commercial I decided on two different locations for the shoot, one being shot inside a film studio using a backdrop, and the other location being inside a hairdressers in Southampton Portswood that featured plants and greenery as part of its interior design.

However when visiting the hairdressers to request to film in the salon, the owner was not happy with me filming in there, so I have now been researching for more ideas and inspiration for the second location.

As my commercial is based on a nude and neutral clothing collection named ‘Bare All’ it is important that the location is minimalistic and uses neutral colors and lighting. I have there fore decided on using a location based around nature as well as shooting with in the studio.

Looking at existing adverts that use nature settings for location I have looked at Louis Vuitton SERIES 1 Fashion Campaign shot by Bruce Weber shown in video below. I really like the use of sky and cloud shots as well as the close ups of the coastal backgrounds along side the model posing and think this is something that would work really well for my commercial. I also think using grey and white tones for the shoot will reflect the clothing really well in the collection.  Lastly, I love how the editor has decided on overlapping some of the shots to create a transition effect, I believe it creates the advert to flow nicely. This is definitely something I will consider with in the editing stage of my production.

Inspiration for my ‘Missguided’ advert

I have decided that for my 60-second film I am going to focus on creating a commercial for the online fashion brand Missguided. I have decided on this brand as it is a brand I buy from regularly so I am very aware with the kind of products they sell, however I also really like their existing commercials. However their current commercials are predominately used online on sites such as Youtube, as well as on their online site ( So I therefore want to create a commercial campaign that can be broadcasted in between television shows. 

When sourcing inspiration for my film, I have looked online at the products and collections the brand sell and have noticed they group their products into themes/collections.

Following this I have also been inspired for my commercial from an exhibition I visited in the summer; Polly Nor ‘Its called art mum look it up’, in which it exhibited the illustrators artwork exploring what its like to be a 21st century woman. This has been an inspiration for my work as I have recognized that many of Missguided previous campaigns reflect largely on girl power which can be shown in the video below. As well as in their London Westfield Stratford stores they use empowering and satirical quotes in relation to girls and woman such as “Chin up or your crown will slip”. So I believe it’s really important to reflect this in the commercial I am creating for the brand.