Aguero’s Title Winning Goal

Manchester City and Manchester United were joint top of the league, with one more match each to play.  Manchester United had won, which meant that Man City would need to win their match too to win the league.  They were loosing 2-1 in the closing minutes of the game.  Man City managed to make it 2-2, but still needed one more goal in the few seconds remaining.  Aguero then managed to score that unlikely yet vital goal.  The commentator, Martin Tyler, made the moment even more special by shouting “Agueroooooo” as he struck the ball.

This iconic moment in football history is what I want to animate as a premiere league trailer/break bumper.  It portrays exactly what the league is about – extremely dramatic moments even in the dying moments of the game and the season itself.  I believe that watching this brief scene before a match starts will build up the anticipation of the audience/football fans, getting them even more excited.


Football Animation

I am interested in making an animated trailer/ad break for this project.  I have always been interested in both football and animation, therefore I believe that it would be a good idea if I combined the two.

Below is a combination of different animated football scenes.  The main reason I am showing this is because of the style of this animation.  I feel that it would be perfect as a trailer for the premiere league, if I were to animate a memorable moment in history.  The drawings within the animation frames are quite simplistic in this video below, however I will aim to incorporate my own illustration skills – making the animation more detailed and aesthetically pleasing.  This will be my first ever attempt at animation, therefore I am researching how to produce a professional animation.

All though the animation needs to be executed at a high standard, the other important factor is the audio.  I need to include the commentary from the historic moment to create a better atmosphere, and maybe incorporate some music also as it is a trailer.  Overall, I am looking forward to it!