Shade Parade


I chose this advert mainly because for my main project I wanted to make a nail polish advert. I found that the poses made with the hands could be adopted for my commercial. Additionally, my response to the advert was a playful one. The hands were giving a lifelike quality that puts a smile on people’s faces.
The use of Pantone swatches made it more cohesive and brought a pop of colour. The use of gold vegas-like lights, cast a warm shadow on the nails that brought out their colour in a unique way, giving it a film noir appearance.



The Lion inside Chanel

Chanel is a company rich in history. Its products have not only shaped the fashion industry but have contributed to the liberation of women. Hence, I look to the brand often to find inspiration. I chose this particular advert from Chanel because of its slick appearance. I was inspired by the different transitions into frame shots and how each frame is no longer than two seconds long, but yet still does not appear overwhelming and captures your attention. The poetry is beautiful, each word carefully thought out to tell a story of the brand.

Kylie Minogue – Come Into My World

Michel Gondry, a film director and producer was the director for the music video Come Into My World by Kylie Minogue. The video was filmed using a narrative loop which is something I had not seen before seeing this video.

Come Into My World was a turning point for me in my research. The video had an upbeat and fast paced tone which is something I want to have in my own film.

To progress on from this, I need to conduct further research into how different films are edited in order to widen my knowledge and skills to create the best outcome for my film.


Kylie Minogue (2010) Come Into My World. Available at: (08 January 2018).

Marina Abramović’s Social Experiment

Marina Abramović is a performance artist who stood still for six hours to let people do what they wanted to her body. She lay 72 items on a table, ranging from a feather to a loaded pistol. The public could use these items as they wished on her. Marina Abramović accepted full responsibility for what happened to her.

Abramović’s social experiment is very interesting to me. She was cut on her neck with razors and sexually assaulted. Still, she managed to endure the 6 hours. It has shocked me how people could do these things to her when they knew that Abramović wouldn’t react.

From looking at Marina Abramović’s work, I feel that I need to research further into human studies on behaviour in order to work out what I am trying to solve in my sixty second film.


The Guardian (2014) Available at: (Accessed: 01 January 2018).

Experimentation with Animation

This is the first time I have ever used animation so experimenting and developing this techniques will help to improve the finished results of my work. I used Adobe After Effects to create the line drawings and transitions to make them move across the screen in the way that they do.

I do feel that this has added interest to my shots, highlighting characters and features. This had created more focus and helps the viewer to engage more with the video. I feel I could develop the animations further to connect the viewer more closely with the video. I could include animations that are coloured which will make the video more vibrant.

I also feel that the pace of the video is too slow, this could make viewers lose interest and stop watching it.

More practice with the software should help to make the animations more slick and professional.

Abstract: The Art of Design, Episode 2

In order to learn more about Nike and the ideas and production of the company, I watched the Netflix documentary series Abstract: The Art of Design, Episode 2; Tinker Hatfield: Footwear Design. Tinker Hatfield takes a look back on his journey with Nike developing trainers, specifically with the famous basketball player Michael Jordan. Hatfield designs by having the mindset that ‘The end goal is to solve a problem’. This made me think about Nike as a brand and look further into how they approach their adverts. It became apparent to me that after watching many from different campaigns and different subsections of Nike, for example, Nike Running, it is common to have famous athletes or very athletic and fit models to advertise of them. I want to create an advert for the everyman; an advert that the general public can watch and feel inspired by because they can relate to the journey that is narrated in it.

Interview of Tinker Hatfield talking about Abstract: The Art of Design.

KGW News (2017). Nike’s Tinker Hatfield on new Netflix series, his design legacy. Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018].

Netflix (2017). Abstract: The Art of Design, Episode 2. Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018].

Nike Run Club

After developing the first few rough cuts of my advert for Nike I have decided to advertise specifically for Nike Run Club as the style of my advert would suit their ethos of the personal experience and journey that being a part of Nike Run Club provides. From what I can find online there aren’t any adverts by Nike for their Run Club. I want to create an advert that will project the idea of a personal experience and journey creating a sense of achievement and motivating the audience.


Here is an advert that I found inspiring from the beginning of this project. I really like the way the advert has been edited to show off different shoes but in a fast, fun and clever way. This is also a very similar concept to my own idea of a character achieving a goal that is visible through a journey, however, in this case, it is a set of very steep stairs. I want to create the same upbeat tone that this advert has, however, I want it to be more cinematic similar to this fan-made comedic video that was made intended to have a comical take on adverts but is filmed very well. The use of colour and style of shots that are used is something I want to recreate in my own advert.

Nike (2017). NIKE: IMPOSSIBLE STAIRS. Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018].

Weber, O. (2017). Nike Running Commercial | “Steps”. Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018].


Music video- illustrations interact with live action video

All Time Low – Weightless – Official music video

In the music video for the song Weightless by All Time Low the main storyline and graphics shown are words that pop up and move alongside the people in the video. Without the post production editing and layer that the illustrations add the music video would be very boring and uninspiring. Throughout the video every time text appears there is a sound effect that goes along side to link the audio and visual together. The shoot for the video allowed space for the text to appear and disappear when needed, and the main focus of the video, the band acknowledge what is happening when the rest of the cast of the video are oblivious.



All Time Low

Weightless – Nothing Personal

July 2009

Directed By: Matt Stawski

Hopeless Records



Missguided X Barbie inspiration

Missguided is currently one of the most popular online brands, selling everything from clothing, shoes and accessories. This video starts off with a logo of Missguided informing individuals watching, who the brand is right from the start. The music in this video is also very engaging and catchy which is very important as it keeps the audience involved. From this, I would like to use the elements of text and music in my film in order to absorb individuals and

From this, with my project mood and theme being retro and ‘edgy’, I will get my model to reflect on this by the body language and facial expressions that she will do. Moreover, I would like to use the elements of text and music in my film in order to absorb individuals and make consumers away and notice the brand.